a Amy Spielmaker 1 éve
Még több ilyen
Close the Alert with a comment including who the alert was reassigned to and why. For example, “I think this was intended to be an Assign/Change Advisor alert, rather than a referral. I submitted a task to Will Defoe.”
Comment on the Alert to document your initial contact attempt. For example, “Sent message to set up a time to meet.”
If it’s been ~5 days since your initial contact attempt and you haven't heard back from the student, try contacting them again. Comment on the Alert in Watermark SS&E to document your second contact attempt. For example, “Sent another email on 3/4.”
If it’s been ~5 days since your second contact attempt (10 days since the Alert was initiated) and you haven't heard back from the student, try contacting them again. Comment on the Alert in Watermark SS&E to document your third contact attempt. For example, “Sent another email on 3/14. Reminded student about registration dates for Spring and what registering after the first day of the term looks like.”
If it’s been ~3 days since your third contact attempt (13 days* since the Alert was initiated) and you still haven't heard back from the student, go ahead and close the Alert. Include in your comments your reason for closing the Alert. For example, “Student was contacted 3 times but has not responded. She may not be attending Spring term.” * Alerts are closed automatically after 14 days but it's best to close them manually before this time expires.