Agent for VR
Welcome Intent
A: Hi, welcome... Do u want tips about...
show options yes/ no
[0] Await_tips_yes_no
Tips: Yes
User (U): Yes/Yeah
Agent (A): 1)give rich response showing the tips and 2) show options for paintings
[1] await_painting
Painting: King Caspar
U: Show me King Caspar
A: 1)give rich response
2) show options for next topic
①Thank you
②Tell me more about this painting
③I have questions
④Show me similar items like this
[2] general_no
[3] ask_background
[4] have_question
[5] await_question
[6] ask_recommend
U: Tell me more about this painting
A: 1)show background story,
2)show options for next topic
①Thank you
②I have questions
③Show me similar items like this
U: I have questions
A: 1)No problem, 2)show options for example questions
U: what is the genre...
A: 1) got answer and reply
2) show options for ①another question ②another entity related to the answer
[7] suggest_question
U: another question
A: show options for two other example questions
U: Show me similar items like this
A: 1)give recommendation from back end service, 2)show options
①another entity
②why this one
③stop recommendation
[8] why_recommend
[9] stop_recommend
U: why this one
A: 1) show shared attributes and relationships
2)show options
①share attributes
②Another one
[10] ask_recommend_same_attribute
U: an attribute name
A: 1) show another artwork with the same shared attributes and relationships
2)show options
②Another related one
U: stop the recommendation
A: 1) sure, you can visit the rest part of the exhibition,
2) show options for some other paintings in the exhibition
U: No/thanks/I am fine
A: 1)np, come back to me when something on your mind and
2) show options for possible paintings
Tips: No
U: No, thanks
A: 1)No problem, 2)show options for paintings