Alternative Education
GELA-Grand Erie Learning Alternatives
Create a position for a technological education teacher GELA leader
This position can be involved in assessing students talents and strengths
A list of community partners could be a destination towards coop/apprenticeships style of learning
Community Partnerships
Creating a brochure that can be marketed towards local businesses looking to hire Alternative Learning students
These partnerships can target one BBT or span a much larger list
Offer STEM/STEAM projects
In consultation with Tech Department heads throughout the board, we can gain access to really cool projects that can shared with GELA
Students not interested in Science/Math, may fulfill the
Group 3 criteria through a STEAM/STEM activity
Challenges in offering BBT courses
Lack of space
Lack of funding
Lack of educators
Mainly offering online courses
Four locations in a large catchment area
Transportation issues for potential students