-Based on Skinner's Behaviorism theory.
-It assumed that human behavior is shaped by habits so learning can become a habit. This method tries to train people with using a system of reinforcement.
-Correct use of a trait would receive positive feedback.
-Incorrect use of trait would receive negative feedback.
The Audio-lingual Method, Army Method, New Key
-Its a method of teaching which is used in teaching foreign languages.
-This approach to language learning is similar to Direct Method. They both advice learners can be taught a language directly without using native language. Yet unlike Direct Method, ALM doesn't focus on vocabulary.
Behavioral Psyhcology
-Language learning is habit-formation.
-Mistakes (the bad habit) should be avoided.
-Language skills are learned more effectively if they
are presented orally first, then in written form.
-The meaning of words can be learned only in linguistic and cultural context.
-Listening comprehension
-Accurate pronunciation
-Recognition of speech symbols
as sign and to reproduce symbols
in writing
Basic Features
- Focus is on pronunciation.
- Vocabulary is taught in context.
- Audio-visual aids are used.
- Grammatical explanations are kept to minimum.
- Correct responses are positively reinforced immediately.

Jeremy Harmers note: "Audio-Lingual Methodology seems to banish all forms of language processing that help students sort out new language information in their own minds."

-The actual factor that enabled the birth of the ALM was the outbreak of World War II.
- Armies needed to become orally proficient in languages as quickly as possible. Its necessary to provide soldiers at least basic verbal communication skills.
- Because of the military early versions of ALM known as the army method.
-It was used in the 1950s and 1960s popularly. The emphasis on the acquisition of structures and patterns in everyday dialogue.
Backward build-up drill (expansion drill)
- Breaking down the troublesome sentence into smaller parts. Teacher starts with the end of the sentence and has the class repeats. Little by little teacher builds up phrases until entire sentence is being repeated.
Chain drill
Giving the learners an oppurtunity to say the lines and let them use the expression in communication with someone.
Single-Slot subtitution drills
-This drill requires more than simple repetition. Students repeat a sentence from the dialog and replace word in sentence with the word the teacher give them.
Transformation drills
-Asking learners to change the type of sentence into another. (affirmative into negative or active into passive)
Question and answer drills
- Prodiving students with situations that require a negative & positive answers
Multi-Slot substitution drill
-It is essentially the same type of single-slot. But students must recognize what part of the speech the cue word is and where it fits.
Repetition drill
- Task is to listen carefully and attempt to mimic as accurately as possible
-Extensive memorization, repetition is the key of ALM.
-Its ignored the role of context and knowledge. And as linguistics developed its was discovered that language wasnt acquired through a habit.
-Very teacher-centered
-Focusing on speaking so that ignoring other skills (reading/writing)
-Fluency in speaking
-Learning accurate pronunciation
-Having no difficulties in understanding