Business administration

Business administration

studying the way in which companies obtain and use their resources in order to meet objectives, achieve goals and obtain benefits.

studying the way in which companies obtain and use their resources in order to meet objectives, achieve goals and obtain bene

which in most cases translate into economic benefits

running a business is a job that is based on the planning, organization, direction and control of human, technological, mater

running a business is a job that is based on the planning, organization, direction and control of human, technological, material, financial resources, among others

all with the purpose of successfully achieving the objectives of that company or organization.

The benefits of economic development come from factors such as

The benefits of economic development come from factors such as

environmental awareness

environmental awareness

improvement in the competitiveness of the country with others in the region or the world

improvement in the competitiveness of the country with others in the region or the world

improvements in human capital

improvements in human capital

Human beings are the main engines behind economic development, which can be achieved by applying their skill, knowledge and experience towards the development of the nation.

solid infrastructure

solid infrastructure

good roads

functional sewage and canals

construction of good airports and seaports

other services

constant electricity

good drinking water

business administration is the economic engine that increases economic development of countries and this brings many benefits

business administration is the economic engine that increases economic development of countries and this brings many benefits.

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