Akaliya Neil

Jamaican- Canadian community


Common Characteristics that Members of My Community Share

Basic needs or goals my community is trying to meet

Problems my community experiences

Solutions to those problems

Student at KCI

Common Characteristics that Members of My Community Share

Basic needs or goals my community is trying to meet

Problems my community experiences

Solutions to these problems

Pentecostal church body

Common Characteristics that Members of My Community Share

Basic needs or goals my community is trying to meet

Problems my community experiences

Solutions to these problems

Speak Patois

Struggled with poverty

Similar Culture


Create more opportunities

Preserve our culture and language

Adjusting to a new country

Interact with the same students and teachers

Similar classes

To be educated

To create lasting memories


Lack of interest in extracurricullars

Get involved in community events

Be socially interractive

Awarness campaign to state a no bullying policy

Find creative ways to promote extracurricular activities more

Community minded


To be empowering

To be generous


Strengthen spiritual relationship

Report persecution against freedom to have religious beliefs (it is against the law)

Bible based