Las conjunciones and/but/or

And une o enlaza dos cláusulas o dos términos separados

I went to the lake and I went to the river

She bought a pair of trousers and a jacket

But subraya el contraste existente entre dos clausulas o dos términos

He's not really intelligent, but he's very attractive.

We are poor, but happy.

Empleamos or para presentar una alternativa o posibilidad

We can go by train or we can go by bus.

You can have chicken or steak.

Conjunciones de contraste

although y though

Although she had been working all night she wasn't tired.

He is Spanish, though he can speak English and German fluently.

Si queremos dar más énfasis a la frase, podemos añadir even delante de though

even though she hasn't really revised enough she's going to do the exam.

Just keep saying 'yes', even though you don't understand.

despite o in spite of + sujeto

He finished off the cake in spite of his diet.

Despite their difference in age they decided to get married.

Se puede introducir una clausula entera si añadimos the fact that

In spite of the fact that she had three alarm clocks she still didn't get up in time

Despite the fact that he had been on a do-it-yourself course he couldn't fix the cupboard.

Conjunciones de modo

Empleamos as como una conjunción de igualdad. En estos casos, as va seguida de una clausula entera.

He's an excellent cook, as his mother used to be.

Si deseamos hacer una comparación de igualdad con un sujeto, utilizaremos like

He looks a bit like a rock star from the seventies.

She's like a Greek goddess.

Empleamos as if para indicar que algo parece ser verdad aunque no lo sea

She looks as if she's been awake all night.

They look as if they've come from a fancy dress party.

He acts as if he is the boss.

Conjunciones consecutivas

Podemos utilizar las conjunciones so/that's why para explicar las consecuencias de una situación o acción

It was freezing cold so we went inside.

He thought it was going to rain, that's why he's got an umbrella with him.

Conjunciones de propósito

El infinitivo puede expresar un propósito

He closed the door to keep warm

She ran home to be in time for the match

Podemos acompañar un infinitivo de in order o so as, cuyo uso es opcional

She left early (in order) to catch the last bus.

They are coming tomorrow (so as) to prepare for the conference.

También podemos emplear so that para expresar un propósito. Después de so that es necesario añadir una cláusula entera

She opened the door so that the cat could come in

For puede expresar propósito en dos casos específicos

for + sujeto para dar a conocer un objetivo

We went out for a drink

They will go for a run

for + verbo en _ing para describir la utilidad de un objeto

A hammer is for hitting nails.

A toothbrush is for cleaning your teeth.

Conjunciones causales

Las conjunciones causales explican por qué ha ocurrido algo e introducen la razón de una circunstancia. Con este fin empleamos because

We went to buy some cheese because we were going to make a pizza.

En un inglés más formal, se puede sustituir because por as o since, que suelen situarse al principio de la frase

As it was raining we didn't go out.

Since there's no time left we'll have to postpone it.

También podemos utilizar because of + un sujeto

The match was cancelled because of the heavy rain.

Conjunciones condicionales

Unless sugiere que algo no ocurrirá si no se da una determinada circunstancia

I won't go unless she pays.

She won't tidy her room unless you help her.

u ocurrirá si nada se lo permite

They'll be here at six, unless they miss the train.

He'll pass all his exams unless he makes a stupid mistake.

As long as nos dice que algo ocurrirá sólo si otra cosa también ocurre

I'll tell you as long as you promise not to tell anyone else.

She'll come as long as she thinks John is going to be there.