Connected Learning
Primary Years Program Units Grade 3
International School in Southern China
Who We Are in Place and Time - We are Unique
Each student during this unit would focus on introducing where they were from in the world, their family history, and special family traditions that they have.
Students create a kidblog to document learning over the course of the year and keep parents and family members abroad connected. GLOBAL
A focus on conflict resolution including understanding perspective with an introduction with the Dr Seuss book The Sneetches
extremely brief look at real life scenarios online of current conflict areas like Syria (relevant because of Syrian students) GLOBAL
Students research how to resolve conflict and create posters LOCAL
Ice breakers and teambuilding LOCAL
Study of relevant flags in the classroom, and then learning the song 'Waving Flag', talk about the meaning . GLOBAL
Suki's Kimono Book suggests the importance of uniqueness
Find a photo on the internet to represent an aspect of yourself that makes you unique and share it with the class LOCAL TO GLOBAL
LOCAL - Chinese Lunar Calendar
Research the meaning online, learn the story
Zodiac Signs GLOBAL
Research the mearning
How We Organize Ourselves - Assembly Line
Students learn about different jobs in the world, in their family and in the school.
GLOBAL Skype Education interviews with sparky the fire dog in the US
Students are asked to create interview questions about different roles in the school community. The private school where we worked had many people including groundskeepers, administrative staff, cafeteria workers, parent-teacher leaders, school leaders, sub-level coordinators etc. Each student had a different person to investigate and we made a giant 'school family tree' in the hallway with completed work.
LOCAL focus on the immediate community
Sharing the Planet - Homey Habitats
The class researches all of the different habitats around the world. The class decides as a group which habitat to look at in-depth, and each member of the class chooses an animal from that one of the GLOBAL habitats (ie the Arctic). We decorate the classroom according to the look of the habitat (snowflakes) and each student chooses an animal in that habitat to do an in-depth research poster presentation about.
Skype education interviews with Lion experts in Botswana and Shark experts at a research centre in the US GLOBAL
Online encyclopedias GLOBAL
Understand the LOCAL and NATIONAL habitats, and go on a local hike/the local zoo
Where We Are In Place and Time - Here and There
Students study the local area including maps and history relating to international trade that is relevant to many students at the school GLOBAL TRADE, NATIONAL TRADE
Students make a brochure of a local attraction including all of the relevant information for a tourist to visit it using various research tools and online images, searches. They produce a document in Microsoft Publisher, print it, present it and display it. LOCAL
Look at old maps of the local city and observe how it has changed over time. Do a local walk about and create maps of the local area/campus/sports complex
How We Express Ourselves - Sign Language
Students study many ways that people express themselves through signs, languages, naval semaphore flags, morse code, sign language, road signs etc., different alphabets like Korean, Arabic, Japanese, braille, hieroglyphs, body language, cave paintings, graffiti, map symbols, international signs and symbols, anglo saxon runes, roman numerals GLOBAL connections
Learn how to write their name in many different ways
In small groups , students create a culminating task - a presentation for visiting students about one form of communication that has a brief explanation, overview of how to do it and an interactive activity for guest learners.
Students create bully free zone signs - immediate LOCAL COMMUNITY
Learn about Helen Keller GLOBAL
How the World Works - Buildings and Structures
Learn about famous buildings around the world GLOBAL
Learn about different homes around the world - yurt, apartment, houses with grass roves, igloo etc. GLOBAL
Learn the three pigs story and read several different versions including the one about different world architecture. GLOBAL
Learn about different animal homes - bee hives, ant hills, beaver dams GLOBAL
Earn student researches a famous building in their home country or in a location of their choosing and presents about it GLOBAL
Students build a 3D model of a building or structure (Eiffel tower) using found material and present to the school community with a history and relevant information including a map of location. GLOBAL
Connecting the Dots (Kozak, 2014)
All education is environmental education
Interconnected learning strategies
Learning Locally
Integrated Learning
Acting on Learning
Real World Connections
Considering Alternative Perspectives
Sharing Responsibility for Learning
Transformative Learning
Change is required to meet needs
Critical thinking is mandatory
Thinking about past-present-future
adaptive learning is personalized to the learner
Learning through projects
learn in the community as well as the school environment
deeply integrated use of technological tools and real-world sources
Assessment as, for and of learning is emphasized
Designing learning to engage students in the global classroom (Lock, 2015)
The world is rapidly changing and the use of new technologies are needed to keep up with the innovation
Peer to peer learning is amplified by technology through learning collectives
HPL How People Learn framework- Bransford, Brown and Cocking's
Learner centred
Community Centred
Knowledge Centred
Assessment Centred
There is a shift from singular 'learning events' toward collaborative learning experiences
innate ICT integration amplifies collaborative learning
Google Docs
Design and facilitation for collaboration
Beyond the school
Connecting with expertise
The Community as a Resource for Learning (Furco 2010)
constructivist approach of problem solving through a common problem forges co-operation,
partnerships and collaboration within the learning environment,
meets individual interests and empowers students
force out of comfort zones