Leading Effective Virtual TeamsThis course presents an overview and hands-on practice of effective leadership/management techniques for virtual (remote online) business teams. Remote teams have obtained significant penetration as a critical practice in the USA and Internationally.The goal of the course is to introduce the learners to leadership concepts and then practice techniques which will potentially improve the interaction experience and productivity of workplace virtual (telecommuting) teams in a variety of business settings. Learners will also apply guidelines and checklists to evaluate and optimize virtual team effectiveness.© Greg L. Rose 2018Contact: Dr.Greg.Rose@outlook.comUpdated: Feb 2018
aCourse Core Learning OutcomesOutcome #1. Identify the expanding roles that virtual teams perform in national and international businesses and institutions.Outcome #2. Compare and contrast virtual team management to face-to-face team management.Continued on additional slides...© Greg L. Rose 2018
Course Core Learning OutcomesOutcome #4. Install and use online software and/or hardware technology to enhance collaborative team building.Continued on additional slides...© Greg L. Rose 2018