Experimental research of China´s mobile phone markets

Bayesian estimation

Real data

Apology based services

The least efficient

Lower accumulation intensity.

The customer doesn't like it

Compensation based service

Moderate impact

Stable time

The customer really like it

Customer experience accumulates over time

Customer satisfaction control variables

The influence of the marketing actions of the CM company.

Control of market competition

Marketing mix

Analysis of data

Observe and analyze how to recover customer satisfaction

¿What activities the company have to do?

¿What estrategic they have to create?

¿When the goal is completed?

¿What activities are the most efficient or the worst?

Service based on quality improvement

The most efficient

highest accumulation

The customer love it

Communication-based service

Mild resistance and magnitude.

The customer like it

Cognitive factors are more reliable than affective factors when clients make judgments

Quality improvement, compensation, and communications are
closer to cognitive factors, but apology is more related to affective factors