Depth of Knowledge

Basic Skills & Concepts

Organize, represent, and interpret data in a Google Spreadsheet. Create graphs with data in Google Spreadsheet.

Create a speaking avatar using Voki that identifies and summarizes major events.


Strategic Thinking

In Voicethread, respond to a prompt using voice appropriate to the purpose and audience.

Identify research questions and design investigations. Collect data from Poll Everywhere.

Support ideas with evidence from multiple sources. Use search engine wih infomation literacy skills to find reliable evidence.

Identify research questions and design investigations. Collect data with Google Forms.


Label locations on Google Maps. Describe features of a place on an annotated Google Map (My Places).

Label locations on Google Maps. Describe features of a place on an annotated Google Map (My Places).

Review notes from a lecture in Evernote.

Extended Thinking

Demonstrate applying a mathematical model to illustrate a problem, capturing the illustration on an online whiteboard such as Scriplink.


Analyze information from multiple sources with LiveBinders.

Synthesize information across multiple sources on Evernote.

Record the process with Screencast-o-matic