Funds of Knowledge


fire emoji



Students are not empty vessels

Application of Teaching and Learning

Integrating patterns of learning

Doing tasks that are familiar to culturally and economically diverse students

Connection of academic content understood at deeper levels

Especially relevant for ELL students!!

Knowledge Practices

Situated Practice

Overt Instruction

Transformed Practice

Critical Framing

Heritage Tree Projects

Family Tree

Culturally Responsive Teaching

TrillEDU: Culturally Responsive Pedagogy. Jeffrey Dessources TED Talk

Teachers should utilize student culture as a vehicle for learning.

Engaging with Families Outside of the Classroom

Pop culture


Critical Literacy


Juxtaposing Texts on similar topics and compare various ranges of perspectivesExamining alternative endings from various media and highlight values and expectationsUse texts from everyday lifeAdvertisingLegal ContractsPosing questions that foster thinking about issues of language, text and power dynamicsBackground influenceInfluence on you and your valuesType of language usedValues and viewpoint of the textAssumptions of the textPerspectives that may have been omittedInterests being catered to by the textIt is also important to note that it is okay for students to choose if they wish to agree with or against the text being presented and offer validation as to why they have chosen such a side. Engage in meaningful discussions with peers and their stance might change, which is a good thing.Teachers in this fashion can focus on inquiry based discussions but also ensuring it is a safe, inclusive learning environment. Allow students to explore multiple ways to express their views using tools and digital platforms. In this way, teachers can learn more about the background influences that a student brings into the classroom and how it is being used within their learning and understanding of concepts. Teachers should make sure that all forms of texts from various cultural backgrounds are included within their lessons.

Digital Literacy





Digital Citizenship

What makes a culturally responsive teacher?

Be invested and aware with the community

Focus on things in common

Students bring relevant knowledge

Be flexible with curriculum

Seminars with people


Collaboration and agency

Encourage research

Bring in student lived experiences



Feedback forms

Kahoots/other software