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Obiettivi specifici
SO1: Increase n.60 women in digital and entrepreneurship skills through 7gg of Mobility in Italy to undertake innovative freelance works in great demand in rural areas for the development of local projects.
SO2: Improve n.30 participants, living in rural areas, facing economical barrier, intercultural awareness and expression through discovery of new traditions, lifestyles, cultures and habits
SO3: ..
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con la Missione del
tuo Ente
CAFI mira a fornire agli operatori giovanili, che lavorano con i giovani nelle aree rurali e urbane svantaggiate, competenze imprenditoriali essenziali per affrontare il problema della disoccupazione giovanile attraverso la promozione di iniziative culturali locali, lavoro autonomo, cultura e artigianato imprenditoriale.
- to improve the quality of volunteering projects in Europe by creating a network of qualified youth workers who use innovative approach for leading volunteers
- to reduce the level of youth unemployment in Europe by providing young people with top-10 skills required on the labor market in 2020
- to empower youth workers to see uncertainty of a changing environment as an opportunity for personal transformation by improving their resilience skills