Interview Preparation
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" -Benjamin Franklin
On The Day
Make sure to have a good breakfast that will provide energy for the rest of the day. With a full breakfast a longer attention span and enthusiasm can be shown, and no tummy interruptions.
Travel Information
Check the news for travel updates to see if there are any disruptions to your journey.
Ensure to have fresh breath and that person hygiene is up to scratch with no body odour.
Look smart
Have decent amount of make up, make sure it is subtle and suitable. Decent hair (slicked, or tied up) not to extravagant, or messy or that covers the face.
Keep track of the time
When getting ready in the mornings time seems to always fly by, make sure to keep a track of the time.
Document check
Have a quick check to see if you have all the documents with you.
Final review
If there is enough time, have a quick skim through what needs to be said, e.g your skills or information about the company.
At The Interview
A good and positive mindset is what employers are most importantly seeking. If you are positive, enthusiastic and confident then a job is assured.
Phones and gadgets
Make sure all phones and gadgets are turned off to prevent any interruptions during the interview.
Eye Contact
Make eye contact with the employer/s and dont look around everywhere or on the floor. Show confidence and assure employer/s that you are right the job at hand.
Be calm and relaxed and not discombobulated. Try not to fiddle about as this can read off to the employer/s as someone who is not organised and confident.
Be sure to speak clearly, slowly and with confidence for the employer to understand and be able to convince them that you are right for them.
Stand and sit correctly, try not to swing or lean on chair, or fiddle about with fingers or hair. Show seriousness in interview which will prove to the employer that you are serious about the job.
Remember to keep smiling and make the employers smile. This shows you are a heart-warming and friendly candidate, and show them that you can get along with everyobody.
One Week Before
Prepare Speech
Get together a list of your skills and qualifications and what you can offer to the company, and a list of questions that they might ask.
Do some research on the job at hand and the company itself. This way knowledge can be shown, and will impress the employer, it is also preparation for any questions that might be asked.
Watch Interviews
Go online to watch professional interviews and observe behaviours and questions asked and how they are answered.
Plan Journey
Physicall go to the company and see how long it took to get there or if there are other routes that can be taken, this will ensure that there is no lateness. Or go on TFL and it will plan the journey and how long it will take and alternative routes. Therefore you will know what time to leave and wake up.
Set time and Date
Put in your phone planner/calender and set a reminder for the date and time of the interview. This way you can have a constant reminder of when the interview is.
Practice Interview
Have a run though of how the interview might go or ask a friend or relative to help act out the employer. This way one can be prepared or take extra notes of what can be said.
Think of outfit
Think of what will be appropriate for the company. In some cases, one could physically go to the company and observe what other employees are wearing. Doing this a week before could allow time to buy clothes needed for the interview.

One Day Before
Plan routine
Plan how long it would take to get ready, e.g.Shower for half and hour, get dressed for 15minutes and leave the house at 8. As it is easy to get side-tracked and time will fly by.
Make sure the outfit is planned and last minute finishings are put in place e.g. ironing and creases, polish shoes.
Go over what needs to be said and answers to any questions that may be asked. Recite the skills availabe and what assets could be brought to the company.
Early Night
Be sure to get an early night, and rest up in order to look and feel fresh and energetic the next day. If fatigue it will portray to the employers and they may not be encouraged to hire.
Check the weather forecast to see if its raining or sunny. To prevent being soaked with rain or sweat.
Set Alarm
Be sure to set your alarm the night before in order to wake up on time and prevent being late.
Gather all documents that will be needed, e.g. CV, qualification certificates.