Government policies and Programs
Infectious diseases
disorders caused by organisms
bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites
passed from person to person
transmitted by bites from insects or animals
Ingesting contaminated food or water
fever and fatigue
measles and chickenpox
most cost-effective public health effort
Safety monitoring
no medical intervention is 100% safe
a serious reaction is extremely rare.
preventable diseases
Early learning and child care/Early childhood development
Quality child care
very best care for your child
Licensed programs
health and safety standards
development and learning
accessible, affordable child care
Prevent smoking among youth
tobacco products
a plant grown for its leaves
smoke, chew, or sniff
cigarettes, cigars, bidis, and kreteks
smokeless tobacco
thousands of teenagers become addicted to tobacco products each year
Child and youth poverty
Nineteen per cent of children now live below the poverty line in Canada.
child and youth health