Media Arts Culminating Brainstorm
Drawing of Drake animated to do the hotline bling dance
Deck of Cards
Soccer Players
Music Artists
Movie Charcters
Cartoon Characters
Multiple Exposure
an outline of a gorilla with the rainforest inside of it.
Hybrid Art
A real life image of me kicking a soccer ball but edit the soccer ball on the computer as a drawing and maybe draw a net or a goalie.
photo of nature with animals morphed together into one animal.

Photos of regular things made to look like animals

Final Idea
My plan is to make a deck of cards like the previous student idea showed in class but instead of Alice in Wonderland I am going to use soccer player's jerseys as the images on the cards and the player's numbers will match up with the card number (Ronaldo is number 7 he will be the 7 card) and for the Jack, Queen, and King I will use 11, 12, and 13.
Artist: James Fiorentino