Mind Map Software
for Education
Mind maps have a "superpower"
they are used to organize information visually instead of writing it in sentences
Studies show
that we remember
80% of what we see
20% of what we read
10% of what we hear

use diagrams
prepare visual lesson plans
that include images, videos, and audio materials, etc.
organize & structure
research information
teaching material
create assignments
to help students acquire critical thinking skills so that they can clearly and objectively understand and explain what they learn
individual/group assignments
give feedback
grade students
create interactive exercises
unit review
book summaries
access library of templates
Visual Diagram Examples
Mindomo Features
Switch Layouts or Combine Layouts in the same diagram
Integrations with LMS
Presentation mode
Mindomo's Efficiency in Education
Results of a Few Studies
2010 the State University of New York (SUNY) College of Optometry conducted a pilot project
62% of the students who participated and created concept maps with Mindomo affirm that it helped them see the bigger picture and have an overview of their clinical case presentations.
Students consider that concept maps helped them connect information from the course to other courses from their curriculum.
Teachers can easily notice which concepts the students consider essential learning points. Any gaps in understanding are also made easily noticeable
The paper “Blending Concept Maps with Online Labs for STEM Learning”
visual learning is the best method for teaching and learning. When students start to organize knowledge graphically, they draw the ideas learned and easily see the connections between them.
concept mapping can enhance retention and test scores compared to other study techniques.
Concept maps reduce the complexity of the material and also minimize students’ misconceptions.
“Using Mindomo to engage students in higher-order thinking” - Brandon M. Sabourin, a teacher from the University of Windsor, Canada
It is explained that mind mapping focuses on lower-order thinking skills like summarizing, defining, memorizing, or classifying, while concept mapping engages learners in high-order thinking actions, such as justifying, analyzing, defending, or hypothesizing.
The instructor’s perspective on Mindomo highlights the importance of concept mapping as a tool that supports meaningful learning and highlights Mindomo as one of the solutions he found for developing students’ critical thinking.
The students assessed Mindomo as a tool that allowed them to engage with the courses, where they participated more meaningfully. Moreover, the general opinion supports Mindomo as a pedagogical tool in their courses.
“Memorizing Vocabulary through Mind Mapping Technique”- the study analyzed 40 first-year students from Bangkok University in Bangkok, Thailand, during a 6-week experiment on learning a foreign language.
Mind mapping enhanced students’ motivation, attention, comprehension, and recall.
This technique allowed learners to use the left and right brain in the memorizing process, and it incorporated a variety of memory strategies such as grouping, associating, using imagery, and elaborating
This study proves that mind maps are an excellent tool for both storing and expanding vocabulary size, helping learners utilize and rely on their long-term memory.
Visualisation using colors, pictures, and curvy lines helped learners make associations. They were attracted to this method because they could express their style by using art and imagination to the fullest.
Learners considered mind mapping an enjoyable way of absorbing knowledge, which attracted their brain, becoming more interested in mastering vocabulary items.

use diagrams
prepare for exams
illustrate theoretical concepts to understand and memorize faster
take notes in visual format (rather than plain text)
develop ability of summarization skills
course/unit review
team projects with classmates
make slideshow presentations
all inside Mindomo