Let's use video to reinvent education - Salman Khan

Salman Khan- Founder, former hedge fund manager
Tutored cousins far away
Began making videos to help tutor his cousins
Cousins enjoyed the videos--others began watching as well
Received positive feedback from teachers and parents
Quit his job to start this website
"Humanizing" the learning experience
Students learn at home, at their own pace
Teachers have more time to spend with students with less grading and fewer lectures
Students who are "ahead" can tutor slower students
Less lecturing means more time for social activities
"Flipping" the classroom
Students get the "lecture" at home and do "homework" in class
Allows students to watch video at own pace, rewatch, etc.
Makes curriculum more accessible and automatically differentiates
Can re-watch videos while doing exercises
Eliminates teacher lecturing
Utilizing Khan Academy
Students can watch videos at home, at their own pace
The program tracks metadata for each student
Which questions they got right or wrong
How many times they watched a certain video
How long it took them to complete a question
What "level" they are at
Teachers have more time to work one-on-one with students