MAP #1
Seeking justic
Justice meaning:
Fairness in the way people are dealt with:
The winner has been desqualified for cheating, so justice has been done.
For me means :
-To get the right consequences from our acts
-And to have equalty in all the people
It can represents:
-When in the court, the judge doesn´t gives the fair consequences to the person that is being judge.
-Or when someone discrimanates a person or a group of people.
Is a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and those racial differences produce and inherit of particular race.
Racism is bad because it makes the people feel bad about what and who they are and it takes off the rights of the people.
Theres a word called the "N" word that is nigga, and is a racial insult in the english idiom.
Racism is when people exclude because of your preferences.
Death penalty
Death penalty is a capital punishment or execution. Is a death sentence imposed by the court because of a crime.
Does the death penalty is a cruel punishment? The answer could be yes because of some factors. These are becuase if your want to solve violence, you can´t solve violence with violence.
Some methods are the lethal injection and the electric chair.
Examples of famous people who have been vistim of racism
2. Rihanna
3. Kim Kardashian
4. Tamera Mowry
5. Samuel L. Jackson