Paul Cornu

Paul Cornu

Took over fathers transport company and changed it into a bicycle manufacturer

He wanted to win 50,000F for the first 1km flight so he started inventing

The Helicopter was not maneuverable

He spent the rest of his days working on wireless telegraphy and in 1944 he was killed when his home was bombed in the invasion of normandy

He only flew a foot above the ground and went for about 20 seconds but he still won the 50,000F

Born June 15th 1881 in Glos La Ferriere in france

Born into an already crowded household of 13 children

All children had to work to help feed the family

First called his invention the flying bicycle

He gave up inventing a year later because he lost a contest with another inventor

Fun facts

Credited for the invention of todays helicopter even though it only flew for 20 seconds

Invented first ever "helicopter" and called it the flying bicycle



The helicopter has a big influence in many of todays wars and everyday needs because without the helicopter wars would be very different and we wouldn't have a quick way of transportation.

Born into a family of 13