R2 Mindomo Business Presentation

Communication Technology
Communication technology influences business and society by making the exchange of ideas and information more efficient. Communication technologies include the Internet, multimedia, e-mail, telephone and other sound-based and video-based communication means. Examples: Audio Conference, Live Meeting, Video conference and texting

5 technology- related careers
1. Radio and telecommunications equipment installer, they can go to your home and install
2. Television, video, and motion picture camera operators and editors, they know really well and can participate in the production of films
3. Computer, automated teller, and office machine repairs, will be better for people that have repair experience and that have knowledge
4. Computer and information system managers, managers possess advanced technical knowledge from other jobs
5. Computer software engineers, computer software engineers must cotinually strive for new skills in conjuction with the rapid changes that occur in technology

4 parts of the universal system model
The four parts are the output (represents the desired result, outcome, or goal), process (represents the operations that occur to transform the inputs to the desired outputs) input (represent the basic materials or resources that will be transformed to the output) and feedback is the element of control
Basic parts of the communication system model

It start in the input signal (when you connect the cable) then then to the transmitter (transmits the signal), to the switching and routing, to the receiver (when it receives the signal you sent) and finally to the ouput signal (the final step when it lets it out)
How the communication concepts of designing, encoding, storing, retrieving, transmitting, and receiving applied to a TV show as it is produced, taped and aired
When someone starts a show first they need to design how it's going to be, then they encode, store the tape and the production, retrieve, transmit so that everyone can watch it and receive feedback and opinions from the public all of this while it is being produced, taped and aired

Examples of telecommunications
telecommunication is communication over a distance by cable, telegraph, telephone, or broadcasting. Examples: telephone system, satellite communication, mobile cellular communication, tv and radio broadcasting systems, call center, communication tower etc.
Learn.org -, learn.org/articles/What_is_Communication_Technology.html.
Ch 1 Universal Systems Model, www.uh.edu/~jhansen/Chapter%201/UniversalSystemsModel.htm.
Martin, Marci. “Business Presentations: 6 Tips to Engage Audiences.” Business News Daily, 24 Mar. 2017, www.businessnewsdaily.com/6188-business-presentation-tips.html.
Study.com, Study.com, study.com/directory/category/Communications_and_Journalism/Communication_Technology.html.