RoadworksPRO (see definition & purpose note)
Registration Added value - not additionally charged for (see Note)
All present Operational layers
Exclusive access to Planned works plus 4 (?) weeks
Operational data upload self service (forward planning schedules, traffic signals, etc)
Operational data digitisation tool (winter gritting routes, etc)
Copy grid coordinate of cursor location
Support: admin own account; live chat; FAQ & support blog
Restored V6 search facility - free to LAs but Utilities charged?
Registration Added value (additonally paid for)
Historical works view
Deep link facillity
V6 search facility LAs free but Utilities pay?)
Pricing issues
UI design
Usage metrics
Technology dependencies
Phase 1
Issue of user authentication, automated means of distinguishing official IP addresses etc
Registration be one-off form and/or layered approach where you skim off more information at different times a la Starbucks
Timeline for above drives everything else
Rights & Permissions - Links to apprppriate data layers and functionalities: Phase 1 simple -
Rights & Permissions - again Phase 1 might be simple and have no links to Hansa/SF - but where does data go for analysis?
PAYG in future - e commerce bridges to Hansa/SF?
Allow flexible # free accesses with messaging
Phase 2
e commerce /PAYG
EToN notice development
e licencing
Product family Portal Premium Portal Lite Pro
CM App
Data services
TM App
Signage App extension
Eton Noticing
Historic data