Physics Honour’s Specialist

Module 1: The Impact of Physics

Module 1: The Impact of Physics

Great physics teachers are kind, non-judgemental, and have a sense of humour.

“ ... people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Physics is a pure science that explains many natural phenomena of the world.

Module 2: Positive Learning to Support Students

Module 2: Positive Learning to Support Students


Growth mindset


Module 3: Effective Pedagogical Practices

Module 3: Effective Pedagogical Practices

Scientific Literacy

Being skeptical of information

Data Analysis and Uncertainty

Reading and interpreting articles

Engaging Students

Laboratories and Investigations

Experiential learning

Predict, observe, explain

Real and relevant learning tasks

Module 6: Physics in Society

Module 6: Physics in Society


Community Partnerships

University Professors

Google Software Engineer

Chemical Engineer

Alternative Teaching Strategies

Systems Thinking

Experiential Learning

STEM Education

Project-Based Learning

Module 5: Nurturing Effective Leadership

Module 5: Nurturing Effective Leadership

Effective and meaningful communication with parents




Physics Network

YorkU Physics Teachers Night

Characteristics of a Good Leader


Good Coach



Module 4: Strategies for Teaching Physics

Module 4: Strategies for Teaching Physics

Challenging our understanding so that we can deliver new and interesting ideas (e.g., dark matter, sustainability, biophysics, and AC versus DC currents)

Dynamic Learning Environments


Vertical non-permanent learning surfaces

Student-centered learning

DIY Demos