Saftey System on Board
Emergency Situation

- Sinking
- Stranded
- Overturning
- Fires
- Floods
- Collions
Are multiples accidents that affect the entire ship an the entire crew.
Sign and Symbols

The symbols abbreviations and terms are used in the nautical chart, these are electronic charts, that represent navigable water scales and attached land regions. It normally indicates the depths of the water and the heights of the terrain, narure if the bottom, details of the coasts including ports, among others.
First Aid and Medical Care
Always on a boat there must be a person on board designated by the captain in case of medical emergency, Keep calm while the designated person give first aid. One must act quickly, codly and effectively; always call and give VHF becomes complicated.
Man Overboard
The situations of man overboard are also frequent and on too many occasions, the lead to human loss. For them it is vital to be prepared for possible emergencies and for the crew to know how to do and how to proceed in each case.
Abandon Ship

In the popular tradition of the seas, the captain of a ship is excepted to remain on board until all passengers have been evacuated, this being an extreme situation where the ship is no longer a safe place for the crew.
Search and Rescue
The rescue also known as first aid refers to the physical help give to someone in an emergency to allow their survival. This rescue can be provided by one or more people.
Terms above life - Saving - appliances
- Lifevest
- Immersion suit
- Line thrower
- Lifebuoys
- Inflatable life rafts
- Rocket launcher
- Floating smoke signal
- Automatic indentification system
- Among other.