of the
When we have prsent what is the prupose in our institution we are working, we will have clear what we are doing in it
For example: Mision and Vision of the Institution.
To aply of the rules and compromises in the institution
It do that all can have a good laboral ambient

A good laboral ambient
a) Respect
A good work environment depends on respect. Even a good atmosphere anywhere depends on the respect that exists among people: their cultures, religions, preferences, etc. All this must be respected.
b) Search for the truth:
It is the guideline of behavior that should guide all
the actions of the members of a team.
c) Honesty and vocation of service:
When we enter an institution it is very difficult to gain the trustworthiness of others and honesty is the basis for this to happen.

d) Responsibility:
Being responsible in every action will allow you to have a good development in your work and personal life.
f) Fairness, justice and solidarity:
Working equally with your collaborators or colleagues will allow motivation.
g) Search for excellence:
Being proactive will help you to push yourself every day to go beyond what you want to do.
h) Quality in the service:
Good service guarantees the growth of a business. It is for this reason that we must always offer the best.
i) Ecological awareness:
The commitment with the environment is daily, since it is one of the best treasures that God gave us and therefore we must take care of it.

j) Freedom and tolerance:
In the workplace and personal, we all have rights that must be respected. For this reason we are lirbes to give our opnion, but also to listen to the opinion of others.
k) Commitment to the development of the country:
The purpose of all of us who dedicate ourselves to an activity is the impulse of the development of the country.
l) Reports:
By organization, we must always have reports that support our actions.
Area of application
In our laboral life, we always will have peoples with highers rangs. They will be enchargeds of the managments. Can be that this enchargeds are going to be we ourself.