Star report


played basketball with friends

scored the basketball for my team

we won the game

i played good defense

organizational skills

my room was dirty

I cleaned up my room

I put my clothes away

I was proud my room was clean

Flexibility/Adaptability Skills

how i learned to placement with school

I set a schedule for both my school and placement times

I get more flexible with both my schedules

I know how to work with both my placement and school


someone dropped there jacket

I looked for the person who dropped the jacket

I gave the person there jacket back

they were happy they got there jacket back

Communication skills

Had to work in group

I worked on the slides i was assigned

I communicated with my group members on the slide show

We completed the group project and got a good grade

Technical skills

I learned how to use word

log on to the computer and open word

type in word

I learned how to use word

Strong work Ethic

I was cleaning up

the house was dirty

I started cleaning up

the house got clean

Interpersonal skills

getting along with family

hang out with each other when we can

I got along with my family

We got along and hung out with each other

Problem Solving skills

working on a math question

I thought of what i needed to do

i wrote down my answer

i solved the question and got the answer

Motivation and Initiative

I wanted to buy a game

I saved up money to buy the game

I went to the store

I bought the game i wanted