texting and driving campaign


talk about what the campaign is all about (campaign is against texting and driving, uses pathos with commercials and billboards to make people think about what could happen if they text and drive)

texting and driving is something to not take lightly and is the cause of most car accidents

rhetorical analysis

using 3 rhetorical analysis: billboard and two videos ( explain all three and talk about how they back the campaign and the meanings behind them

target the audience to make the ad sound more appealing


end talking about the analysis

comment on the effectiveness of the campaign

rhetorical situation of the ad campaign

how is the ad being shown to others to persuade them

understanding that the ad is appealing to the audience in pathos

visual rhetoric

extend more on the topic of the videos and billboard. talk about how each one has its own unique way in getting to someone emotions and making them think

think about the design elements and what it is wanting the audience to know