The Concept of Knowledge

Definition of

Literal meaning comes from
Arabic word 'ilm which means

Al-Ma'rifah: knowing by experiment

Al-Fiqh: Understanding

Tadabbur: Observation

Basiran: Mental perception

Tazakkur: Remembrance

Tafakkur: Thought

Technical meaning

Realization of the meanings of things

The obtainment of the ma'na (meaning) of an
object in the soul and its arrival at the meaning

Definition of Knowledge
from Islamic Perspectives

The opinions of Muslim philosophers

“Knowledge means the picture produced about something in the mind/intellect”

for example: when we picture a car in our mind: what will be pictured in our mind are the shape of the car, tyre, engine, steering, car seat and others. This means that we have knowledge about the car.

The group of sunnah (Ahl al-Sunnah) have the opinion, which is as follows

“Knowledge is what one knows about something/ what makes one knowledgeable about something.”

Imam al-Haramain

Way to visualize the purpose of knowledge about something by differentiating it with other things

For example: differentiating between a horse with a car.

al-Qadhi al-Baqilani

Knowledge is Knowing something known as the form and condition of itself in such a way

Naquib al-Attas

Knowledge has been understood to mean the holy Quran, laws of the syariah, faith, spiritual knowledge, wisdom, ma’rifah and others


Viewed that al-Ma’rifah (المعرفة) and al-‘Ilm (العلم) mean to comprehend something as it appears with the use of senses from ignorance

Knowledge is the realization of something based on its true nature through different level of understanding such as application, comprehension, synthesis and judgement

It is a product of learning about all kinds of things which requires mental apprehension or cognition

Imam al-Ghazali

Knowledge is the acquisition of that information through which one can successfully attain the true goal of life

He looked the knowledge as the picture about something in the heart. That means the knowledge known by the heart is more genuine and secure because it is from Allah. This is because Imam al-Ghazali, as a sufi, thought “kashaf” (the seeing of the pure heart) as a source of knowledge when it is guided by iman with the help of the sound mind”

The Importance of Knowledge

The first revelation to the Messenger
(Al-'Alaq: 1-5)

Parallel with the man's obligation as a Khalifah
(Al-Baqarah: 30-33)

Islam is a religion based upon knowledge

The Quran is inviting man to ponder and think & learn

The world 'ilm and its derivatives mentioned more
than 700 in Quran

The authenticity of prophethood of Muhammad (SAW)
is the book of knowledge

Knowledge VS Information


Involves a personal experience

Knowledge is made up of factors such as
information, beliefs and experiences

Can be shared but might be perceived


General data expressed by numbers,
words, images and sounds

Can be shared, much more easily
understood by everyone

Perceived differently

Adab (Manners) & Knowledge Acquisition

Purify soul from impure traits &
blameworthy characteristics

Minimize affairs of the world

Be humble towards teachers

Ignore the different opinions
among people

Degrees of Knowledge

300% = Haqqul Yakin

200% = Ainul Yakin

100% = Ilm Yakin

70% = Zann (conjecture)

50% = Shakk (doubt

30% = Wahm (estimation)

0% = Jahl

Purpose of Seeking Knowledge

To practice with it

To achieve the happiness of both worlds
(hasanah al-Dunyanwa al-Akhirah)

To distinguish between right and wrong

To get Allah's pleasure