whale watch

Who are they?

Amy, Kevin, Boka, Jello, Tommy, Joe, Ella

They are Amy, Kevin, Boka, Jello, Tommy, Joe, Ella

They are Amy, Kevin, Boka, Jello, Tommy, Joe, Ella


Where are they?


They are on the ship.

They are on the ship.


What happened first?

whale watching, new friends

They are going whale watching and meet new friends.

They are going whale watching and meet new friends.


What happened in the middle?

fdolphin, whale, mammal

They see dolphins and whales.  Amy says they are mammals.

They see dolphins and whales. Amy says they are mammals.


What happened at the end?

whale, cool

They all look at the whale and say, “Cool.”

They all look at the whale and say, “Cool.”
