Why join ILAG - Objections

Limited member access to ILAG events/website

Ways to share ILAG content

Factfind member methods for sharing

Depends on level of membership

Website registration process

Onerous Authorised Rep membership requirements

What ILAG participation collateral is there

Finding out about event invites

Sharing Bulletins

Can Monthly emails be shared?

Getting the right PG group reps

Access to CPD

CPD isn't appropriate

Not enough relevant CPD

Takes to long to confirm

PG's represent members relevant areas


PG's don't represent relevant areas

Not enough relevant topics discussed

minimal events of interest

Don't get enough out of membership

Website doesn't offer enough content

Wrong mix of other PG members

Consultations opportunity

Knowledge sharing

Best Practice sharing


Access to knowledge and industry insight

Wrong person sits on PG

No one shares PG meeting outcomes

Meeting info takes too long to be published

Is it just for Networking

Not enough meetings in interested areas

Don't like on line meetings

Can't travel too far for in person meetings

Costs/time of getting to meetings

Venue not ideal