Web Tools 2.0
Web Tools can help me update, modernize and organize my teacher resources more effectively so that I may better encourage collaboration and learning in my classroom.
This is a way for me to organize my resources. It could also be used by my students to keep track of their class materials, projects, etc. I could use it as a portfolio assessment.http://www.livebinders.com/
As a teacher I can curate my resources on the webmixes and design activities and projects for my students to do using the resources I share with them. I created a webmix on the Civil Rights movement and I could have my students look around in there and create a mutual PowerPoint presentation.https://www.symbaloo.com/welcome
This is a way to present information in a logical and connected way for my students. It could also be used by the students to create themed projects like the events leading from WW1 to WW2.https://www.thinglink.com/
Using Web Tools will help me as a teacher to foster collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving, how to effectively argue with respect and reasoning and other in-demand skills in the modern classroom, college and workplace.
I can use this to have my students take notes and ask questions from a chapter of the text or a particular issue or event like the Civil War or the Great Depression.https://padlet.com/dashboard
I could have them create propaganda posters/ads for a war campaign or political campaign or social movement from American history.https://edu.glogster.com/
A video conferencing tool.https://www.skype.com/en/
aVirtual Field Trips
I have used these before with my classes as I had them tour the East Side Tenement Museum in New York as we studied immigration in U.S. History. It will be fun to explore more of these.
Guest Speakers
I have had many in person come to my classes. This technology will make it easier and widen the availability.
Mystery Skype
This could be a fun and interesting way to get to compare perspectives on U.S. History. How do British kids view the American Revolution? How do German kids view the Holocaust?
Conferences and Lessons
We could learn much from experts in the field of history and also conference with other teachers and classes in order to share perspectives and learn from each other.
Students could create commercials or ads on a specific topic in American history. Persuasive ads or public service announcements.https://storybird.com/signup
I can use this to assess student thoughts, interests via responses. For example, I could ask their thoughts on why Prohibition failed and if there is a correlation to the War on Drugs. This could foster quite an interesting discussion.https://dotstorming.com/
I can use Diigo to have my students collaboratively read and take notes, share thoughts and comment on an article or a chapter of text to more effectively master the material.https://www.diigo.com/
Similar to Symbaloo and even Twitter- I can use this as part of my PLN- I can also craft it to share with my students. I can have them look through it with some guided questions or invite them to comment and discuss.http://www.edtechroundup.org/reviews/educlipper-clip-everything-share-anythinghttps://explore.participate.com/educlipper
aOffice 365
An upgrade to my existing Power Points and Word Documents that can now be shared and commented upon and made interactive. I can survey my classes for their interests at the beginning of the school year as they help shape the curriculum.https://www.office.com/?auth=2
Personal Learning Network
A wider "net" of a PLN will help me as a teacher to increase my effectiveness and productivity.
I can use Twitter as a source of information, inspiration, new ideas and collaboration by following people and feeds I am interested in learning more about. I can ask questions and be asked questions about best practices and new strategies and methods.https://twitter.com/
Skype Collaborations
Conferences with my fellow teachers and other educators will be an important piece of my new and improved PLN. I can also use it to do more collaborative work within my school department (social studies) as well as interdisciplinary work.https://www.skype.com/en/
aAlternative Assessment
Using online review games and assessments will better engage my students. It will also give me access to ready made resources from a wider variety of educators.
I have used Kahoot as a review game for my students. They love it and its simple to create or you can use some quizzes from their "library" created by others.https://kahoot.com/
Quizpedia is also simple to use and I can use these as review exercises or also assessments of what the students have learned from a given lesson- similar to an exit ticket.http://www.quizpedia.com/
I can use this to have students create a digital portfolio on specific topics or the course in general. They can share and collaborate in its construction and the teacher can assess it given a specific rubric.https://web.seesaw.me/
I can have my students create websites as projects. Maybe even for Maryland and/or National History Day.https://www.weebly.com/lp/websites/dual-tst?c=mkt_w_chnl:semb_geo:US_prtnr:ggl_camp:G-S-Brand-EM-US_campid:257473334_ag:weebly_agid:15054213254_kw:weebly_mt:e_dvc:c&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2oW0tvLF4QIVmB6tBh0bNAf0EAAYAiAAEgKzl_D_BwE
Student Voice
This offers students the ability to share their thoughts and ideas with the teacher and with each other. It enhances in-demand skills of critical thinking, creative problem-solving and working effectively with others to accomplish tasks and share information and construct their own knowledge.
I can use Mentimeter to pose a question or ask for reasoned opinions. I could ask, "How did Adolf Hitler rise to power in Germany"? "Could such a thing ever happen in the United States?" This could foster discussion.https://www.mentimeter.com/plans?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI35TKnfLF4QIVxUSGCh3m_goBEAAYASAAEgK6HvD_BwE
I can use Scrumblr to have the students collaborate on reading an article or watching a video. Or I could use it as a Think/Pair/Share or KWL to introduce a new topic.http://scrumblr.ca/