World Health Organization

Health Systems

critical in well-functioning health programmes.
WHO is responsible in conducting reliable information
about global health situations that is essential in making decisions resource allocation monitoring evaluation. WHO works with counties to improve the generation sharing high-quality knowledge resources

Noncommunicable diseases

NCD's include heart disease, stroke, cancer
diabetes, and chronic lung disease.

Mental health is responsible for 70%
of deaths worldwide

promoting health through life courses

Addresses environmental risks as
well as social determinants of
health including gender, equity,
and human rights

communicable diseases

Goal is sustain access to prevention and treatment
and care for HIV, tubercolosis, malaria, and
neglected tropical diseases

Works to reduce vaccine-preventable diseases

Preparedness and Response

WHO is responsible for leading the health response during emergencies. WHO assesses risks, finds priorities, creates strategies, provides guidance, provides supplies, provides money, and monitors the problem. They also help countries improve their capacity for emergency risk management.

Corporate services

Provides tools and resources to allow for
each branch to conduct its individual information
by encompassing governing bodies and membered
states for the development of international treaties,
communications amongst staff to disseminate health
information, as well as human resources.