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Autobiography Template

My Autobiography Template

Use this mind map to quickly create your autobiography, presenting information about your family, education, work, life, accomplishments, etc.

Keywords: personal life, autobiography, information about yourself

My Autobiography Template

My Autobiography

My Autobiography Template is a comprehensive tool designed to help individuals organize their personal history, memories, and significant life events.

It provides a clear structure for detailing key moments, achievements, challenges, and reflections, making it easier to write a well-organized and engaging autobiography. Whether for personal reflection or a school project, this template guides users through crafting a meaningful narrative that highlights their unique experiences and milestones, helping to create a cohesive and insightful life story.

My Autobiography

Autos = Self
Bios = Life

An autobiography is the author's retelling of their life. This is written in first person and the author is the main character.

Major accomplishments

Add both your personal and professional accomplishments.




Add the things you like and make you a happy person!


If there is something that you definitely don't like, add it here!


Add your vision for your future! You can choose to add your short term goal or long term goal!

In the future I would like to be a.....


Add the places you have worked. Additionally, you can mention what you learned from each of them.

Current job
Other jobs
First job


Add the institutes where you got your degrees.

High School
Primary school


What and who made you who you are today?

Influencing people
Memorable events
Growing up in


Add information about your family. Usually, the mother's maiden name is written.
Additionally, you can add their age.

Father's name
Mother's name

Personal information

Add your personal information.

Place of birth

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