da Tais Ramos manca 1 giorno
Più simili a questo
Please, put sweetner in my coffee
Please, put sugar in my coffee
Do you help your boss?
Do you understand your boss?
They usually help their family
They never help their family
They always help their family
Your parents are at church today
My parents live on the farm
The babies sleep a lot
Our neighbors have a beautiful baby
How many childrem are there at school today?
There are a lot of kids at the beach
There are many children at the part
The kids stay at school in the afternoon
The children stay at school in the morning
They have only one child
The boys is a beautiful child
The girls is a beautiful child
escrivaninha, mesa de escritório, carteira (mesa)
papel, jornal, artigo
chefe ( de cozinha)
chefe- patrão
bebê, neném
crianças, filhos
criança ( filho/a)
The teachers see the students at school
Sorry, I can't see very well
I sometimes see my friends at church
I never see my friend at church
I always see my friends at church
Sorry, you can't stay here
Let's stay together, please
My neighbors stay at home evry day
I can't stay alone at home
We travel from Brazil to the USA tomorrow
Why do you always travel at night?
They never travel with their kids/ children
You can't travel alone
Let's tavel together
pensar (em), achar Eu penso em você I think ABOUT you I think OF you Eu penso na minha família I think about my family I think of my family I think about/of + verb Eu penso em viajar I think about/of taveling Eu penso em dormir I think about/of sleeping Nós pensamos em comer pizza We think about/of eating pizza Eles não pensam em ficar juntos They don't think of staying together Ela pensa em gastar dinheiro She thinks about spending money
pôr, colocar( vistir) Coloque o seu casaco ( vista) Put on your coat
dirigir ( de, para)
ver, enxergar
ficar, permanecer ( em, on, na)
viajar ( de, para)
There two windows and one door here
There aren't two windows and one door here
The are some people at church
There aren't any people at church
Are there any people at church?
There are fishes on the farm
There aren't fishes on the farm
Are there fishes on the farm?
There are fruits on the farm
There aren't fruits on the farm
Are there fruits on the farm?
There are oranges and apples on the table
There aren't oranges and apples on the table
Are there oranges and apples on the table?
There are animals on the farm
There aren't animals on the farm
Are there animals on the farm?
Thre are dogs on the farm
There aren't dogs on the farm
Are there dogs on the farm?
There are chickens on the farm
There aren't chickens on the farm
Are there chickens on the farm?
There is only one teacher at achool
There isn't only one teacher at school
Is there only one teacher at school?
There is a cup on the table
There isn't cup on the table
Is there cup on the table
There is a bottle on the table
There isn't bottle on the table
Is there bottle on the table
There is a book on the table
There isn't book on the table
Is there book on the table?
There is juice in the cup
There isn't juice in the cup
Is there juice in the cup?
There is milk in the cup
Threre isn't milk in the cup
Is there milk in the cup?
There is water in the cup
there isn't water in the cup
Is there water in the cup?
there aren't are there...?
há, existem(plural)
there isn't Is there...?
há, existe ( singular)
**nunca use HAVE no sentido de haver, existe. Assim como em português, o verbo TER não deve ser usado nesse sentido. Have = ter ( posse, obrigação)
Yes, I like
I don't know my neighbor at all
I never visit my neighbor
Significa trabalhar em casa por conta própria
I work from home
significa que você trabalhar para alguma empresa a partir de casa
No, I don't go to work every day
Yes, I go to work every day
I am happy because today is Saturday
I am good
Do they know how to cook rice and beans?
Can they cook rice and beans?
Di you know how to dance well?
Can you dance very well?
I don't know how to write in German
I cannot write in German
I can't write in German
I know how to read in Spanish
I can read in Spanish
I know how to play the drums
I can play the drums
Can they wash the car here?
We cannot sell the house
We can't sell the house
You cannot close the window
You can't close the window
Can you buy a new car?
Can I use your computer?
I cannot go to the bank
I can't go to the bank
I can understand you
We can play the piano Nós sabemos tocar piano
Can you drive a truck? Você sabe dirigir um caminhão?
I can speak English Eu sei falar inglês
1) não aceita TO: * I can dance - eu posso dançar * you can dance - você pode dançar 2) não aceita DON'T: * I'cant dance - eu não posso... * I cannot dance - eu não posso... 3) Não aceita DO: *Can I dance? - eu posso dançar? * Can you dance? - Você pode dançar?
I'm sorry for my mistake
Sorry for my mistake
I'm sorry, I don't know you name
Sorry, I don't understand you
Sorry, I don't know you
Please, come with me
Please, close the store
Please, close the door
Please, close the window
Welcome to my house
Welcome to my party
Welcome to my life
Welcome to Vegas
Welcome to school
Welcome to Brazil
Thanks for the beer. Welcome
Thanks for the juice. Welcome
Thanks for the money. Welcome
Thanks for the magazine. You're welcome
Thank you for the magazine. Welcome
Thanks for the books. You're welcome
Thank you for the books. Welcome
Thanks for the clothes. You're welcome
Thank you for the clothes. Welcome
how many people do you know?
how many books and magazines do they have?
how many eggs do they sell?
how much water do we drink?
how much butter do you buy?
how much chicken do they eat?
how much wine do you drink?
por favor
por nada, de nada
bem-vindo(a) (ao, à)
obrigado (a) ( por)
obrigado (a) ( por)
quantos(as) PLURAL
quanto(a) SINGULAR
They sleep a lot sometimes
They sleep a lot of sometimes
We work many every day
We work a lot of every day
They don't wash many dishes
They don't wash a lot of dishes
Do they buy many clothes?
Do they buy a lot of clothes?
They sell many fishes
They sell a lot of fishes
We eat many fruits
We eat a lot of fruits
We drink much coffee
We drink a lot of coffee
They have much money
They have a lot of money
You a lot of honey
You sell much honey
I eat much rice
I eat a lot of rice
quantidade (plural) (countable), muitos(as)
quantidade (singular) (uncountable), muito(a)
I have only a good friend
I speak only English
I only sleep at night
I play soccer together with my neighbor
My cousins study together in the afternoon
My uncle and my aunt are together at church
My friends dance alone in the club
My friends dance alone at the club
We sometimes work alone
We never work alone
We always work alone
The girls are alone at home
The boys are alone at home
só, somente, apenas
intensidade de um adjetivo ou advérbio - VERY BIG
muito lentamente- very slowly
muito tarde - very late
Advérbio ⬇️
muito bonito
very handsome
muito linda
very beautiful
muito jovem
very young
muito velho
very old
muito baixo
very short
O livro é muito bom O carro é muito ruim O gato é muito pequeno O cachorro é muito quente O jogador é muito alto Meu amigo é muito baixo O queijo está muito velho A professora é muito jovem A minha vizinha é muito bonita Meu primo é muito bonito
My cousin is very handsome
My neighbor is very beautiful
The teacher is very young
The cheese is very old
My friend is very short
The dog is very big
The cat is very small
The car is very bad
The book is very good
muito alto
very tall
muito grande
very big
muito pequeno
very small
muito ruim
very bad
muito bom
very good
Adjetivos ⬇️
I don't work in the bank because of you
I don't work at the bank beacuse of you
I'm here because of my work
I study English because I want (to)
I go to church because I need ( to)
I go to school because I like (to)
Why do you go to church?
Why do you go to school?
Where do you live?
Where do you study?
What fruit do you eat in the morning?
What book do you prefer to buy?
What bike do you prefer to buy?
What do you sell?
What do you study?
de ( procedência, origem)
por causa de
porque ( resposta, justificativa)
onde, aonde
por que, (o) porquê (questionamento)
o que, qual, que
Your clothes are short
My neighbors are short
The girls are short
The boys are short
The students are tall
The teachers are tall
The players are tall
We close the big store
We close the big windows
We close the big doors
Do you have a small farm?
Do you have a small house?
Do you have a small car?
baixo(a), curto(a)
I don't know how to play the drums
I don't know how to play the piano
I don't know how to play the guitar
Let's play the drums
Lets play the piono
Let's play the guitar
I always give money to my uncle
I always give money to my aunt
I always give money to my mother
I use my money to buy beans
I use my money to buy rice
I use my money to buy chicken
Do you have old clothes?
Do you have new clothes?
Do you have beautiful clothes?
I need to buy new dishes
Let's wash the clothes
Let's wash the dishes
They don't a lot of rice for dinner
They don't eat much rice for dinner
Sometimes we eat beans for lunch
Let's buy chicken, rice and beans
Do you cook chicken for dinner?
Do you cook chicken for lunch?
The windows are yellow and the doors are blue
Let's close the doors
Let's close the windowns
Are we on the farm?
We aren't on the farm
We are on the farm
Do they live on the farm?
They don't live on the farm
They live on the farm
Let's go to the farm
They work downtown sometimes
I never go downtown in the afternoon
I come from the club to church
I come from downtown every day
Ours neighbors are at the party
My friends go TO the party
My uncle and my aunt dance at the party
violão, guitarra
louças, pratos
frango, galinha
On the farm
na fazenda
( no, para) centro (da cidade)
Downtown não aceita TO, IN,ON, AT
Let's give water to the girls
Let's give water to the boys
I give cookies to the dogs in the morning
I give cookies to the cat in the morning
Let's close the club
Let's close the bank
Let's close the store/ shop
I need to close the book
I need to close my house
I need to close the store/ store
Let's wash the glasses/ cups
Let's wash the bike
Let's wash the car
My neighbors love to cook
My cousins love to cook
My aunts love to cook
My uncles love to cook
We always cook eggs for dinner
We always cook eggs for lunch
We always cook eggs for breakfast
I always come to school at night
We come from the club to church
They come FROM home TO work
Do you prefer to come in the morning or in the afternoon?
Do you prefer apples to oranges?
We prefer cheese to ham
They prefer dogs to cats
I prefer coffee to tea
Vir ( de, para)
"From"procedência "To" destino
Let's go home
Let's go to the club
Let's go to the park
Let's go the store
Let's go the beach
Let's drink wine
Let's talk
Let's dance
Let's play football/soccer
Let's study
Let's work
(convite) seguido de local/ destino
(convite) seguido de verbo (sem o "to")
Excuse me, do you work here?
Excuse me, I need to sleep
Excuse me, I need to go
We study English every day
I go to church every day
I go to work every day
I go to school every day
Good evening! How are doing? I am very well
Good afternoon, how are you? Not bad
Good morning, how's it going? I'm great, and you?
Hi, how are doing? I'm fine, and you?
Hello, how are you? I am good thanks
Tudo na mesma
com licença
todos os dias
"tudo certo", nada mal
Estou muito bem
Estou bem, tudo certo
Estou ótimo(a)
Estou bem
Como você está? / como vai?
como você está?/ como vai?
Do you have much money?
Do they eat much honey for breakfast?
Do they eat much butter for breakfast?
Do they eat much bread for breakfast?
Do you drink much coffee every day?
Do you drink much juice every day?
Do you drink much water every day?
We drink coffee for dinner sometimes
We drink juice for dinner sometimes
We drink wine for dinner sometimes
They sometimes eat ham and eggs for breakfast
Sometimes we go to church at night
We usually use the car in the evening
We usually use the car at night
They usually don't understand the teachers
They usually don't understand the parents
muito(a) (quantidade singular)
much substituir o a lot of quando o complemento
é singular (incontável)
I eat a lot of cheese - I eat much cheese
I drink a lot of beer - I drink much beer
They buy a lot of ham - They buy much ham
às vezes
geralmente, usualmente
We write our books
We use our notebook
We dance with our friends
I don't know any students
We don't visit any neighbor
They don't sell any fish
I don't have any friend
Do you know any people at chuch?
Do you read any books at school?
Do you eat any fruit(s) in the morning?
I need to drink some water
I know some people at church
I read some books at school
I eat some fruit(s) in the morning
Do you speak English or Spanish with your childrem/kids?
Do you drink tea or coffee for breakfast?
deles(as), seu(s), sua(a)
nosso(a), nossos(as)
algum(a), alguns, algumas
algum(a), alguns, algumas, um pouco de
The computers are bad
They are bad people
I am a good boy
I am a good teacher
I am a good student
My friends are handsome
My uncles are handsome
My brothers are handsome
My neighbors are beautiful
My friends are beautiful
My aunts are beautiful
My daughters are beautiful
I have a beautiful apartment
I have a beautiful house
I have a beautiful car
mau, ruim, mal
bom, boa(s)
bonito (homem)
lindo(a), bonito(a)
Do they have an old computer?
Do they have a new computer?
Do you use your computer at school?
Do you use your notebook at school?
We need new notebooks
Do you write letters to your aunts?
Do you write letters to your uncles?
Do you write letters to your neighbors?
Do you write letters to your friends?
We always buy the newspaper
We never buy the newspaper
They read the newspaper in the evening
They read the newspaper in the afternoon
Honey! I like you very much
Honey! I like you a lot
Bye! honey! good night!
Hi, honey! good evening!
Do you eat bread with honey?
Do you drink tea with honey?
They sell fruits at the grocery store
They sell fruits in the market/store
We never eat fruit for breakfast
We always eat fruit for breakfast
They don't know my neighbor
My neighbors use the computar every day
My neighbors use the bike every day
My neighbors use the car every day
Do you visit your uncle and your aunt in the evening
My uncle and my aunt eat bread for breakfast
My cousins dance in the club in the morning / at the
Do you a lot of cousins?
Do you have many cousins?
I live in a beautiful city
I am at church
I am at the beach
I am on the beach
I am at the park
i am in the park
I am at the club
I am in the club
I go to church
I go to the beach
I go to the park
I go to the clube
carta, letra (do alfabeto)
mel, querido(a)
I know HOW to speak
I know your name
I don't know your friends
I don't know your children/ kids
I don't know your city
Do you know how to speak English?
Do you know how to read?
Do you know how to write?
Do you know how to dance?
I don't know your name
We don't understand our friends
We don't understand the students
We don't understand the teachers
Do you use your car at night?
Do you use your car in the afternoon?
Do you use your car in the morning?
We dance with the boys
We dance with the girls
Do they want to read?
Do they want to help?
Do they want to sleep?
Do they want to buy?
Do they want to study?
They don't want to work
They don't want to live
They don't want to go
They don't want to sell
They don't want to write
I want to know
I want to understand
I want to use
I want to dance
I want to visit
saber, conhecer
Yes, I drink a cup of coffee for breakfast
No, I never study English at home
Yes, I always study English at home
I have an apartment
No, I don't go home in the evening
Yes, I go home in the evening
No, I don't go to school in the morning
Yes, I go to school in the morning
Com as seguintes pessoas I, you, we e they ( e sempre que o sujeito for plural), no presente simples, para todos os verbos exceto ser, estar e poder, a forma interrogativa será feita com "do" diante do sujeito. Não se traduz o auxiliar "do" nesse contexto; ele estará presente somente
como indicativo de pergunta
Do I have to go? - Eu tenho que ir?
Do you eat fish? -Você come peixe?
Do we need to study? - Nós precisamos
Do they work at home? - Eles trabalham em casa?
Suas filhas trabalham na loja?
Do your daughters work at the store?
Seus filhos moram com você?
Do your kids live with you?
Do your children live with you?
Do your sons live with you?
O alunos vão para a escola?
Do the students go to school?
Os professores vendem carros?
Do the teachers sell cars?
As meninas escrevem cartas?
Do the girls write letters?
Os meninos têm bons amigos?
Do the boys have good friends?
Eles leem muitos livros?
Do they read a lot of books?
Do they read many books?
Eles ajudam os estudantes?
Do they help the students?
Eles compram bolachas?
Do they buy crackers?
Eles estudam em casa?
Do they study at home?
Eles precisam de amigos?
Do they need friends?
Você jogar basquete á noitinha?
Do you play basketball in the evening?
você bebe chá de manhã?
Do you drink tea in the morning?
Você come queijo e presunto?
Do you eat cheese and ham?
Você fala alemão?
Do you speak German?
Você gosta de cachorros?
Do you like dogs?
Eles estão
They are hungry
Are they hungry?
They are bored
Are they borda?
They are blue
Are they blue?
They are tired
Are they tired?
They are happy
Are they happy?
Eles são
They are fast
They are incredible
They aren't incredible
They are rich
They aren't rich
They are pretty
They aren't pretty
The are crazy
They aren't crazy
nós estamos
We are together
We are tired
We are ready
We are stressed
We are pretty
nós somos
We are friend
We are fast
we are crazy
We are smart
We are good
Nice to meet you! What is your name?
They don't sleep at night
They don't play at night
They don't work at night
We drink wine in the evening
We drink juice in the evening
We drink beer in the evening
You speak Spanish in the afternoon
You speak Portuguese in the afternoon
You speak English in the afternoon
dica: palavras terminadas em "ey" o som vai ser "i" money/honey/key/monkey
I play volleyball in the morning
I study in the morning
I work in the morning
Prazer em conhecê-lo(a), também!
Prazer em conhecê-lo(a)!
à noite, de noite
de noitinha( ao anoitecer)
de tarde, pela tarde
de manhã, pela manhã
We don't sell many apples
They don't have many friends
I buy many bikes
I buy a lot of bikes
I help many people
I help a lot of people
They never buy crackers
They never buy cookies
They never eat ham and eggs for breakfest
We always write the lesson
I always go home In the evening
muitos, muitas (plural)
Many pode substituir a lot of quando o
completamente for plural (contável)
a lot of cats = many cats
a lot of friends = many friends
a lot of cups = many cups
caso o complemento seja singular (incontável)
Você não poderá usar many . Por enquanto, a
única opção correta é a lot of
muitas água = a lot of water
They work in the store
They work at the store
I am at school
The light is on the ceiling
The book is on the table
The milk is in the glass
The water is in the bottle
We go to the bathroom/ toilet /restroom/lavatory
You go to the beach
I go to the club
You sell your car to me
I write an email to you
You drink a bottle of wine
You drink a glass of beer
You drink a cup of coffee
They don't work at store
They don't live in Blumenau
They sell fish
We study at school
We don't have a cat
We have a dog
IN (the) ON (the) AT (the)
dentro "sobre" S/exatidão
in the cup. on the table at school
In the glass on the sofa at home
In the bottle on the floor at work
In the box on the wall at the bank
em, no, na
para (o), para (a), ao, à
eles, elas
You don't have a Black dog
I don't have a bike yellow
You have a white house
I have a blue car
I eat fish
I buy fish
I sell fish
You are at the store
You are in the store
I am at the store
I am in the store
I go to the store
You are at the bank
You are in the bank
I am at the bank
I am in the bank
I go to the bank
I need to sell my apartment
I don't have a house
I have a house
You don't help at school
you don't sleep at school
You don't work at school
I drink a bottle of wine
I drink a bottle of water
I drink a bottle of juice
Your drink a glass of wine
you drink a glass of beer
You drink a glass of water
I drink a cup of milk
I drink a cup of tea
I drink a cup of coffee
Your friends don't work
My friends don't sell
Your friends don't write
My friends don't study
fish pode ser singular ou plural/ mais só pode usar como plural se os peixes em questão for da mesma espécie, caso for de espécies diferentes usará o fish(es)
instituição financeira
estrutura física
(na, à)escola
copo(s) ( de vidro)
xícara, copo
I work with my teacher
I work with my daughter
I work at home
I have to work
I work
I live with my son
I live with my father
I live with my mother
I have to live
I live
I have to go
I go with my sister
I go with my brother
I go with you
I go
I sell oranges
I sell apples
I sell eggs
I have to sell
I sell
I write e-mails
I write books
I have to write
I write
I have a book
I have a bike
I have a car
I have
viver, morar
ir (para)
vender (para)
escrever (para)
ter (que)
(em) casa, lar
/dórer/ dótar/
comprar ( para)
precisar de
Meu nome é ...
Qual é seu nome?
boa noite
boa noite (chegada)
boa tarde
bom dia
olá, alô
You drink juice
You drink milk
I drink water
I drink juice
I drink milk
You eat pizza
You eat papaya
You eat crackers
You eat cookies
I eat pizza
I eat papaya
I eat crackers
I eat cookies
you like your cat
you like your dog
you like your sister
you like your brother
you like your father
You like your mother
I like my cate
I like my dog
I like my sister
I like my father
I like my mother
APPC = artigo, pronomes, proposição e conjunção
meu, minha, meus, minhas
você, vocês
biscoito ( bolachas)
biscoito (doce)
beber, tomar
você bebe
you drink
Você gosta de beber
you like to drink
eu bebo
I drink
Eu gosto de beber
I like to drink
você come
you eat
Você gosta de comer
você like to eat
eu como
I eat
Eu gosto de comer
I like to eat (o que)
gostar de
você gosta de
you like
eu gosto de
I like