Categorie: Tutti - education - partnerships - wellbeing - faith

da Frank Fabri mancano 13 anni


2012 St Peter's School Annual Action Plan basic

St Peter's School aims to foster community involvement and enhance student learning through a comprehensive annual action plan. The school is committed to encouraging parental participation in their children'

2012 St Peter's School Annual Action Plan basic

'Soaring high above a landscape of possibilities'

'I have carried you on eagle's wings' (Isaiah 40:31)

St Peter's School

2012 Annual Action Plan

Learning and Teaching

To improve student learning outcomes in LIteracy and Numeracy
Tracking and monitoring student learning

Use of analyser to track student learning

Moderation Process

Supporting teachers in Numeracy strategies

Extension of 'higher achieving' students

Use of data to identify patterens

ESL Students monitored

Data Tracking Wall Prep - Yr 2

Strategic Teaching and Learning Plan

Writing and Oral Language Assessments

Professional Learning

Peer observation in Literacy and Numeracy

Engaging Boys in authentic learning experiences

Learning Walks ( Numeracy and Literacy)

Planning for Rich Inquiry Units - Deb Vietri

Consistent pedagogical understandings and practices in Literacy - Jane Plunkett

PL in Numeracy


Professional Learning Wheels

Thinking Tools

Develop a culture of thinking

PLTs in Literacy and Numeracy


Implement Literacy & Numeracy Plans

Explore Project Based Learning in Literacy and Numeracy

Common understandings of planning formats

Use Models of Contemporary Learning

SINE Testing

Pat M and Pat R as assessment tools

Maths Units of Work

Contemporary Learning Framework

Understanding by Design in Inquiry

Sustainability Projects through Inquiry

Assessment of, for and as learning

Science Education in the 21st Century

Use of Contemporary Tools

Flexible online learning

Differentiated Learning across the curriculum

Powerful Teaching and Learning - A Sacred Landscape

Shared Understanding of Vision and POLT


Teaching and Learning in flexible spaces

Protocols for Learning Walks in Literacy and Numeracy

Peer Observation

Common understanding of the expectations in Literacy and Numeracy

Leadership and Management

To strengthen leadership and management structures to ensure they support improved student learning outcomes
SIF and School Review 2012
Catholic Identity Project
New POL roles / positions clarified
Continue to implement new leadership and PLT structures
Induction process and survey
Deepen Understanding of PLC
Insights SRC Surveys
Wisdom Meets Hope
PD with Helen Goode
Contemporary Teaching and Learning Framework

Sacred Landscape Document

Flexible Learning Spaces
Team Charters and Protocols
Professional Learning Wheels and ARMS
Strategic Teaching and Learning Plan based on work by Brent Davies
Cycle of Learning walks

Student Wellbeing

To enhance student engagement by building student / Teacher relationships
Continue to work on the SW Plan and Policy
Best practice for TAs in the classrooms
Parent Education Program
Confident Kids, CASEA, Seasons
Student Surveys
ILPs and review meetings
STAR Expectations
Continue to implement PBS
Personalised Learning
Explore and promote student voice through leadership positions
Communication and staff relationships (FISH)

Different disabilities

Social / Emotional Issues

School Refusal

Positive Reinforcement

Behavioural Management

Education in Faith

To create opportunities to involve staff, parents and parishioners in the faith life of the school
Teaching and Learning in Religious Education

Learning Walks

Exemplar Units

Classroom Environments

Liturgy and Community

Children involved in planning liturgies

Year 6 Leadership Teams

Class litugies each term

Parents and Parish Community involved in liturgies

Social Justice actions

Parish Team Meetings

Sacramental classes and other PD for Parents

Professional Development

Parish based seminar

Induction Program

Build staff relationships focussed on Gospel values

Leadership and Catholic Identity Project

Accreditation of teachers

Develop consistent pedagogical understandings

Contemporary Learning


To encourage parents to be involved in their child's learning
Prep Transition

Pop the Cork, Cut the Ties

Prep BBQ

School Orientation

Showcase learning through expos, assemblies and displays

Online space for each class

Newsletters / SMS
Parent Helpers
Wellbeing Expo
To build links between the school and the local community
Friends of the Darebin Creek Community Resource - Frog Pond Project
SFYS Project funding for environmental projects
Website updated
Music, Japanese, PE links in the community
Strengthening Families Project
Use of wikispaces for communication and collaboration
Traffic Management with COW
Social Justice Projects
Partnerships with St Monica's
School Board
Artist in residence to develop mosaic
Scientist in Schools Program
Review Homework Policy
Sustainability Projects
Develop partnerships with agencies within COW
Webspace to showcase student work