da Cheryl Lynn mancano 15 anni
Più simili a questo
OD enabled
-Import Lists to setup accounts
AD Plug-in
-Users filtered: AD Workgroup
-Clients Managed by WGM/ARD=Mac Techs
Centrify Agent
-Users filtered: AD Workgroup
-Clients Managed by AD admins= PC Techs
(AD admin console on PC only)
-AD (plug-in) enabled on Clients
-Centrify Agent installed on Clients
-OD enabled on Clients
Joan Teacher enters Network Name/PWD
Computer Client Auth to Open Directory (creates Mobile HF) End of Year Auto-Delete=Yes
Joan Teacher needs access to:
X Drive: Shared Folders
U Drive? Vlan specific?
P Drive? Vlan specific?
Jane student at Mac Labs types in Network Name and PWD
Computer Auth with AD and allows for log in on client (creates Mobile HF per client)
Jane student will need access to...
X Drive: X2 Shared folders
U Drive?
MMC Public?