Categorie: Tutti - vaccines - studies - autism - research

da Cherie Schnacker mancano 13 anni


Autism is not related to vaccinations

Research has definitively shown no link between autism and vaccinations, debunking the claims initially popularized by Andrew Wakefield. Wakefield's fraudulent study suggested a connection, but he was later discredited and struck from the medical register.

Autism is not related to vaccinations

Autism is not related to vaccinations

References Checks:

Books: Autisms False Prophets by Offit, The Panic Virus by Mnookin, Deadly Choices by Offit, The Autism Source Book; several peer reviewed journals; a documentary called Loving Lampposts; An encyclopedia entry.


Celebrities like Jenny McCarthy, John F. Kennedy Jr, Jim Carrey, Oprah Winfrey are dangerous to the health of the nation. While people should be held responcible for their actions, I believe that these celebrities should be prosecutes for handing out medical advice, for ignoring blatant truth and contributing to the media mania that surrounds this topic.
The reason the debate continues is because the media allows misinformation to be passed through the doors. Whether that media is news broadcasting, or talk show hosts or books. Falsifying information is dangerous and children are dying.

Research has been proven false. Wakefield was disgraced in England and struck from the medical register, making it impossible for him to practice anywhere in the world....exceot apparently Austin, TX where he is concidered a consultant.

Wakefield's study, scientifically has never been reproduced, however the opposite has been proven. There is no causational relationship between vaccines and autism.
The scientists and researchers who originally had stated that they supported Wakefield, testified later in court that they had been paid by Wakefield, who had been paid by Barr. Another researcher stated that he had shown Wakefield the NEGATIVE results of several tests and Wakefield ignored him, and wrote about false results that never occured
Barr, a laywer paid Wakefield before Wakefield to find the link between the vaccines and autism.

Andrew Wakefield produced a paper in 1998 that, according to him, inflamation of the intestines after the MMR vaccine was given to children, that harmful proteins would enter the bloodstream and then enter the brain, causing autism.

Environmental and other factors

There has been very few studies on the relationship between the environment and food that we eat in corrilation between food and autism rates. Not enough information to put in paper.
Virus Studies: Speculation from researches say that there could be a link between viruses such as h1n1 and autism but studies are not finished. Not enough information to put in paper.


Genetic corrilation between normal single birth siblings.
Fraternal twin vs. paternal twins and their autism rates.
The Autism Genome Project

Thimerosal Debate

European countries have removed thimerosal from their vaccines and studies have been conducted. Autism is on the rise in those countries where thimerosal and mercury have been removed.
Studies performed: Thimerosal and the occurance of autism: negative ecological evidence from Danish population-based dat. Peer Reviewed Journal Pediatrics: Paper done by Madsen.

Autism has no correlation to autism as is evident with the research that has been conducted by numerous scientific studies.

a study done in 2005, 3 years after thimerosal was removed called Lack of Consistant Evidence for an association by Stehr-Green (Peer Journal)
Fombonne study: Research paper called Thimerosal disappears but autism remains