Categorie: Tutti - skills - technical - connectivity - motivation

da Sheena Ohol mancano 12 anni


Barriers to Online Learning-SO

Online learning presents various challenges that impact the effectiveness and accessibility of education. Key barriers include feelings of isolation from classmates and instructors, which can lead to a lack of personal interaction and support.

Barriers to Online Learning-SO

Barriers to Online Learning

Bandwidth / Browser Limitations

Compatability Problems
Non-accessibility of graphics and images
Limited Formatting of Contents
Slow Internet Connection

Lack of Technical Skills

Lack of Technical Knowhow - Hardware/Software
lack of e-skills

Lack of Financial Resources

Expensive Software & Antivirus Programs
Old / Slow Computers being used
Limited Access to Computers

Poorly designed Websites

Supportive Softwares for accessing websites
Navigation Problems
Poor Searching / Filtering Options

Time & Support of Studies

Insufficient time for Online Studies
Shy / Lack of confidence
Isolated from Instructor
Isolation from Classmates
Learners with poor learning habits/ abilities

Limited Access to Internet

Geographical Barriers
Economic Situation

Lack of Motivation

Interruptions while studying at home
More responsibility for studying
Lacks Personal Motivation

Lack of Adaptability

Fear of interacting online
Fear of Computers and Technology
Fear of new tools of learning

Literacy Level

Lack of Typing Skills
Lack of Communication Skills
Lack of Writing / Reading Skills
Lack of Language Skills

Technical Difficulties

Inadequate Technical Support
Lack of Connectivity /Access
Setup Problems
Virus Attacks
Lack of System Reliability
Power Cuts

Adminstrative Issues

Lack of Direct contact with Instructor
Managing Files & Online learning
Instructor not available at times
Confusion about deadlines
Confusion about Course Activities

Ways to overcome Online Learning Barriers

Developing effective Information system for educating and e-learning awareness
A well Laid out structure for Curriculum / Course Material / Instructions
Appropriate Learning Models as per the learning group
Crash courses on Basic computer/ language / writing skills
Pre-course training on system usage
Contingency Plan in case of System Crash/ Breakdowns
A good tecnical support system in place
Well Structured / Consistent Website
Compatible with other User Systems
Consistent with well defined links
Easy to navigate
National Agenda/ Funding Priority for Online Education
Non-complex Course Structure
Proper Progress Tracking Systems
Proper Assessment System
Interesting / Interactive Study Activities
Formal/ Informal discussion forums
Quiz / Games Using interactive models
Formal / Informal Chat Sessions
Well Trained & Enthusiastic teaching staff
Good Knowledge of Online learning requirements
Supportive & Motivating Instructor
Discipline & Time Management Skills