Categorie: Tutti - reform - marxism - nationalism

da catherine poirier mancano 13 anni


C29: The 20 Year Crisis

During the early 20th century, China experienced a significant upheaval as various factions vied for control following the fall of the Qing Dynasty. Key players included warlords, middle-class politicians, Japanese forces, and eventually the Chinese Communist Party.

C29: The 20 Year Crisis

C29: The 20 Year Crisis


Industrialization can be increased through taxation, resources from peasants (stalin's example) Stalin's approach to industry was flawless; a system of five-year plans were instituted, planning commission began to set clear priorities for ind. development
japanese economics during the militant period were declining; starving children, etc; half of the factories were closed by 1931 but generally suffered way less than Western nations did in the GD
The Great Depression began in 1929 overproduction in the Western world; borrowed heavily new equipment; lowered earning; leads to decreased production on low levels responses: national tariffs; cut of gov spending --> worse of econ led to either 1) a parliamentary system that became increasignly incapacitated 2)outright verturning of the parliamentary system Popular Front was formed by liberal, socialist, and communist parties; uneffective New Deal offered direct action, public works projects, jobs, Social Security System --> period of rapid growth
the New Economic Policy promising freedm of action for small business owners and peasants --> food production recovery
Russian economy declined during the civil war b/c of Lenin's efforts to industrialize --> famine and unemployment
us emerges as top econ power & it greatly influenced the economy
labor agitation increased under syndicalism, sought to use a general strike to seize power → major strikes in Argentina
e euro = agriculture & dependent on W euro; hit hard by the collapse of ag prices in 1920s
japanese industrialization; agricultural output w/ fertilizers, mechanical equipment; dependent on cheap exports to west for imports of fuel
us economy rapidly increased in the 20s (cultural exports - music, films, hollywood)
the dominions registered export growth and pop gains from imm.; australia in in 1901

Latin American Upheavals

Getulio Varagas = pres of Brazil in short civil war; promised liberal reforms, but launched centralized power program
1920s-30s = liberalism; an expression of ideas not suited to the realities of the Latin American people; industrialization in their case did not decrease class boundaries Corporatism curbed capitalism and avoided Marxist ideas; emphasized organic nature of society reforming admin = Lazaro Cardenas - redistrubted land and took care of social problems
secularization of society → opposition from the catholic church; 1920s conservative peasant movement backed by the church erupted in central mexico (Cristeros)
Alwaro Obregon a general mastered trench war & weaponry, beat villa’s cavalry → leader of the government 1920, war ends, Obregon becomes pres & then followed by revolutionary era; Mexican Constitution of 1917 - land reform, limited foreign ownership of keu resource and guaranteed the rights of workers; organized workers in natl confed
Pancho Villa was the commander of the farmers, railworkers, and cowboys of the north; in the south a peasant based group started under Emiliano Zapata, goal was for land reform → diaz driven from power & madero could not resolve social probs; zapata rose & madero lost control → military coup
Victoriano Huerta sought to impose a diaz dictatorship supported by large landowners, the army, and the foreign companies
economy depended on exports, declining sense of nationalism; 1910 - Francisco Madero believed in moderate democratic reforms; arrested, rigged election → revolt after out from prison
Porfirio Diaz - economic changes, foreign concessions in mining, railroads, and other sectors; haciendas ruled; corruption across nation, repressive to american indians, workers, peasants
mexican revolution caused by internal forces & WWI; elimination of euro goods disrupts econ

Chinese Upheaval

Guomindang, head of the nationalist party, was struggling in the south; found alliances with key social groups; need to unify under one gov; Whampoa Military Academy founded for Nationalists w/ first head Chiang kai-shek, worked his way to the inner circle
Li Dazhao called for a reworking of Marxist ideas to fit China's situation; shifted from orthodox Marxist methods = appeal to Mao Zedong, a member of his study group organized Long March to Chiang, another communist sector
May 4, 1919 - rebelling began, thought they were betrayed by the Entente Powers; intellectuals & students played large role in the may Fourth Movement aiming to transition China into a liberal democracy
japanese are a cause of the long, bloody battle for Chinese mastery & were eager to join the Western Alliance in battling Germany
most successful clique was Yuan Shikai, wanted to seize Manchu throne and created a new era; intellectuals worked together to work through post-Qing China; Yuan was on his way to becoming emperor despite opposition;
Fal of Qing --> struggle for power; contenders were warlords, middle class politians, japanese intruders, and eventually take over by the Chinese Communist party

Russian Upheavals

Bolshiveks established a new political regime, combining tsarist powers and bureaucracy
1918-1921 - civil war upheavals; communist regime V tsarist generals, religiously faithful peasants, and minority nationalities
Germans conquered West Russia b/c of a treaty signed by Lenin, did not comply with the Treaty of Versailles
By October, 2nd Rev - Bolshivek wing of the Social Democratic Party/Communist Party & Vladimir Lenin as the leaderde
Liberalism was not deep in Russia, however Alexander Kerensky was eager, like other revolutionary leaders, to see parliamentary rule
1917 - uprising calls out tsarist rule, causes him to step down & bring in a temporary liberal government


Stalin took new controls over intellectual life; controlling classes activities, main focus in schools was socialist realism
authoritarian government took over japan but pol divisions increased --> militaristic rule within prime ministers
Spread of Facism to Spain; leads to Spanish Civil War backing parlimentary republic & social reform vs. communism; included many different social groups
Germany was a breeding ground for facism; Hitler repeated these arguments about need for unity and hopeless weakness of oarliamentary politics --> totalitarian state - massive and direct control over all activities, eliminating all opposition parties with the secret police, Gestapo;
Support increased during the GD b/c of economic problems
Stalin takes over; strongly national communism; revolutionary forces cut back under him in order to make a difference in Russian developments; accelerated industrialization through new collectivization program He wanted modernization but with a communist and noncapitalist twist
Russia's government regains stability w/ the Red Army under the leadership of Leon Trotsky; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics = new capital system in Moscow - dominance of ethnic Russians preserved
Russian government became headed by the Council of People's Commissars; Lenin went to them for vote on seizure of power, however the power of the group weakened and changed
Lenin got control over urban workers; he believed revolution should come from a collaboration of the cells in a "coherent plan of action"
Key support support through aristocratic estate owners who tried to repress peasant movements in Argentina
east central europe control - began with parliaments excited about nationalism; rivalries amongst these small euro nations → weak countries diplomatically and economically → authoritarianism through dictator or monarch’s seizure of power; heavily dependent on sales to W europe
nationalists hated that italy got so little out of ww1; labor unrest; incapable of decisive measures; political divisions → mussolini rise
Benito Mussolini - 1919; “union for struggle”; corporate state that replaced capitalism; nationalistic policy; seize power by any means; got rid of opposition; prop about military conquest
facism came about in the 19th century w/ groups disenchanted with liberal, parliamentary powers; power > economy & class struggle
most western euro countries = increasing political extremism; communist parties supported by war vets


leads to communist scare in the US; red scare
Isolation broken --> Us intervenes in Mexican revolution, motivated by fear of german influence; mission failed
US was diplomatically isolated for two decades b/c senate rejected the League of Nations