Più simili a questo
da Carlos Camarena
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What's your essay about?
Type in the title of your essay.
Work on the structure of your essay.
Summarize your essay by restating the main ideas of your thesis and body paragraphs.
Type them in.
Analyze another essay written on this topic
Find at least one example and see whether it is well written or not.
Type in the title and the author(s)
of the essay which you're going to analyze.
Is the logical sequence of the essay accurate or faulty?
Select an option:
Constituido por1.134 circuitos, se define como el conjunto de servicios públicos de calidad que están al alcance de la ciudadanía perteneciente a la parroquia.
Conformado por 140 distritos en el país,los cuales son la unión de cantones. Cumple con la función de planear y prestar servicios a la ciudadanía, pero existe una excepción en ciertas zonas debido a la alta demanda de población y estas son Quito, Guayaquil, Cuenca, Ambato y Santo Domingo.
What evidence do(es) the author(s) present?
Type in the evidence.
Add notes if you need larger blocks of text.
Conformada por 9 zonas provinciales,tienen la función de planificar y coordinar a ñlas entidades del sector público
What claims do(es) the author(s) make?
Type them in.
Research your topic
Write down the sources you will base your essay on.
List second-hand information :
comments, interpretations, or discussions regarding the original material, etc.
What secondary source(s) will you take into account for your research?
Type in your source(s)
Add hyperlinks to your source(s).
List first-hand information :
What primary source(s) will you take into account for your research?
Type it (them) in.