Pandemic Mappe mentali - Galleria pubblica

Esplorate la nostra ampia raccolta pubblica di mappe mentali di pandemic create dagli utenti di Mindomo di tutto il mondo. Qui potete trovare tutti i diagrammi pubblici relativi a pandemic. È possibile visualizzare questi esempi per trarre ispirazione. Alcuni diagrammi danno anche il diritto di essere copiati e modificati. Questa flessibilità vi permette di utilizzare queste mappe mentali come modelli, risparmiando tempo e fornendovi un solido punto di partenza per il vostro lavoro. Potete contribuire a questa galleria con i vostri diagrammi, una volta resi pubblici, e potete essere fonte di ispirazione per altri utenti ed essere presentati qui.

Nada alzubaidi


da Nada alzubaidi

The rise of gender-based violence against women in Peru.
Carla Betros

The rise of gender-based violence against women in Peru.

da Carla Betros

The dynamics of social movements and the effects of socical media during a global pandemic
Gordon-Williams Chester

The dynamics of social movements and the effects of socical media during a global pandemic

da Gordon-Williams Chester

The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic towards Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Anti Stasi

The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic towards Refugees and Asylum Seekers

da Anti Stasi

Advocacy Plan Graphic Organizer
Jewel Manong

Advocacy Plan Graphic Organizer

da Jewel Manong

My superhero
ke7de117 k

My superhero

da ke7de117 k

English video
Diego Soutto

English video

da Diego Soutto

Assessment 2: Coronavirus learning map (Murray)
Murray Lovass

Assessment 2: Coronavirus learning map (Murray)

da Murray Lovass

The Language of the Coronavirus
Leo Franjic

The Language of the Coronavirus

da Leo Franjic

Canada 2030 predictions
Vareesha Zuberi - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Canada 2030 predictions

da Vareesha Zuberi - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Organigrama arbol
Mili Ulloa

Organigrama arbol

da Mili Ulloa

Rafael Fernandez


da Rafael Fernandez

What will happen to the environment after the pandemic?
Rafael Garcia

What will happen to the environment after the pandemic?

da Rafael Garcia

How the Changing Habits Affect to Cooking Experience of GenZ During Covid-19 in USA?
Abbas Abbaszade

How the Changing Habits Affect to Cooking Experience of GenZ During Covid-19 in USA?

da Abbas Abbaszade

WOU vs. Coronavirus
Bella Hennessy

WOU vs. Coronavirus

da Bella Hennessy

مشاعري في ظل الكورونا
hadya aldin

مشاعري في ظل الكورونا

da hadya aldin


What is going on in your life now?
Or in the near future?
Makayla Cronsberry

MY MENTAL HEALTH MAP What is going on in your life now? Or in the near future?

da Makayla Cronsberry

thirth bimester
Luciana salas

thirth bimester

da Luciana salas

Do it: FINAL PRESENTATION Session 6 - Our lifes through the pandemic – staying at home
Silvia Echeverria

Do it: FINAL PRESENTATION Session 6 - Our lifes through the pandemic – staying at home

da Silvia Echeverria

Travis Woon-Jamieson

Interview (V2)

da Travis Woon-Jamieson

Daniel Roselli


da Daniel Roselli

Yumara Franco


da Yumara Franco

Contact tracing App
Mohamed Akhouaji

Contact tracing App

da Mohamed Akhouaji

Covid-19 Pandemic
Khaira Harsh

Covid-19 Pandemic

da Khaira Harsh

Assessing the current role of nursing stress/strain among nurses. A case study of nursing shortages
tariro nhandara

Assessing the current role of nursing stress/strain among nurses. A case study of nursing shortages

da tariro nhandara

Discourse Community Analysis: Humans vs. Education
Stockton Smith

Discourse Community Analysis: Humans vs. Education

da Stockton Smith

What will happen to the environment after the pandemic ?
Wilmer Ramirez

What will happen to the environment after the pandemic ?

da Wilmer Ramirez

Corona Outbreak
Caden Biltz

Corona Outbreak

da Caden Biltz

Workplace Legal Considerations
Huzafa Hyde

Workplace Legal Considerations

da Huzafa Hyde

Looking Back On Senior Year
Olivia Wallace

Looking Back On Senior Year

da Olivia Wallace

Amritraj Lamba


da Amritraj Lamba

Charon Gonzalez


da Charon Gonzalez

Social and Economic 
Changes of WW1
Afreen Khan

Social and Economic Changes of WW1

da Afreen Khan

Richter Scale
Zachary Waschkowski - Tecumseh PS (1258)

Richter Scale

da Zachary Waschkowski - Tecumseh PS (1258)

Fun learning during the pandemic period
Şule Kılıçkaya

Fun learning during the pandemic period

da Şule Kılıçkaya

Changing Global Mental Health During Pandemic
Jason Li

Changing Global Mental Health During Pandemic

da Jason Li

Factors Of Mental health
caleb Ong

Factors Of Mental health

da caleb Ong




The United States of America
Jerome Mckenna

The United States of America

da Jerome Mckenna

Natural Hazard:Covid-19
Ana Arambula

Natural Hazard:Covid-19

da Ana Arambula

trevins timeline
Trevin Patrick

trevins timeline

da Trevin Patrick

Potential IA Topics
GA - 10CE 731762 Turner Fenton SS

Potential IA Topics

da GA - 10CE 731762 Turner Fenton SS

Spanish flu vs Covid 19
Hailey Puhr

Spanish flu vs Covid 19

da Hailey Puhr