Categorie: Tutti - computer - study - system - file

da Rawan Rawan mancano 12 anni


ch2- knowledge base

The text outlines the initial structure and content for a knowledge base titled "Rawan's CSC 101 Knowledge Base." It begins with an introduction to computers and progresses through various chapters covering essential topics.

ch2- knowledge base



there is flatteners that influences each other such that !the fall of Berlin wall and the outsorcing. Netskape and the tremodnouse usage of Internt.

the word is flat

flattneres 4,5,6

flatteners 8,9,10

computer chapters

good start. Reorganize this so you can link your ch. 2 to your main topic, 'Rawan's CSC 101 Knowlege Base'.

ch4- Input and output

ch5-system software

linx: open sorce, it is free.

linx and unix are not so different. unix is gooy( graphical) unix is command system.

file management-path

c:/dovuments/letter/(file).doc.rtf this is important becasue it is the extension of the file.

exutable files end with one of the following. exe, .com, .cmd, .bat if we see any file ends with these and we dont recognize it we shouldnt open it because it is probably a virus.

ch3- sorage

study guide
random vs. sequential access record

ch2 - the system unit:processing and memory

videos and audio
ch2- study guide
name of the ch- system unit
extra information
overview of the whole chpter

ch1- introduction to the world of computr

over view of the chapter
extra infromation
video and audio about understanding the internet
study guide