da Joerg Bauer mancano 11 anni
Più simili a questo
Infer normal funcions from damaged systems
Double Dissotiation (different subsystems?)
Problems with Double Dissot.
damaged connnectionist models (single system) behaves like doulbe dissoti.
Could the patient use a compensatory strategy?(not really function on one task)
Normal functioning
not both below normal: otherwise perhaps one impaird function
What is normal performance?
How much degradation is impairment
differnt stimuli (tests) might lead to errors
Living / non living in two labs
It is therefore important to ensure that a patient is tested in a variety of ways to ensure that seemingly normal performance is being produced in a normal fashion
Single disotiations: A but not B: --> A harder B?
Amisics loose A declarative but have B procedural
Double Dis. in one Pateint: Differnt deficits blindsight vs. of intact vision
HM has deficient LTM but intact STM
KF has defective STM but intact LTM
Broca / Wernecke
Face Reogniton vs. Emotional Expression Recogntion
Face Regocnition
Not recognizing familiar persons
Capgras Delusion
Looks like wife but is imposter
Agnosia: (Object recog)
Patient DFDorsal/ Ventral
Implicit OK: grasping diretion or hand size
Explicit No! Could not recognize even simple shapes
Humphreys & Riddoch: Recog. happening in stages
JF: semantics clear but cannot name
maybe more diffiuclt not different subsystems
single dissotiations
HJA: object: percept - doesn't look familiar
Split Brain
Ramachandran: Higher order lang. mean. trasf. cortically
Left analytical, right emotional
Sperry & Gazzaniga: Patients Left brain saw nothing: language / Right Spatial can draw object
Is model consistent with behaviour?
HMs mirror drwaing improved (implicit learing)
Neuropage: implicitly learn to check the messenger to be reminded of...
Train procedural memory (JC ran own business)
Comp. data from other patients
Normal -Cog. Metods
Coltheart: Model IAC Modil based on errors shown by dyslexics
Memory tasks: Amnesics show recency effect/ not primacy
Standardised Tests
Birmingham Object Recognition
Wechsler Intelligence
Wechsler Memory
Brain Imaging:
Images: Determine the level of when sth. is coloured
Problem: Images will not show the "how"
Damasio: difficulity in recognition: tools (a glove: "appears to have 5 outpoutchings ...") / animals/ people: reduction in brain areas
Post Mortem brain examination (TAN)
Wisconsin Card Sorting Task: -sort cards to constanly new rules--> Difficulty =Frontal lobes?
Split brains may develop different
Functions can move
Brain is plastic and can repair
Patients develope compensatory strategies
Fodor says only for input and output - not i.e. problem solving
But brains and lesions differ
There might have been deficits before
Wernickes Area: Imp. for storing sound patterns (phonemes)
Pationent could speak but not understand speech
Paul Broca:
Brocas Area: Imp. for coordinating speech musculature
Patient: TAN TAN TAN: unterstand but not speak
CASE of Phineas Gage
Harlow (1868): Disrupted G. ability to plan and maintain acceptable behaviour
Iron shot through frontal lobes altered social skills
Noted patterns of behaviour related to certain lesions
diagramm (process) makers: Lichteim
Case of phineas gage
Fell out of favour
Inconsistencies with localization
Beavourism: we cannot know what is going on
modelling cog. processes
Brain is Modular: Processes have locations: Fundamental for CNP
Identifying those locations important objective
Abilities localized in the brain
Gall: Bumps /shape of skull hint to character