Categorie: Tutti - awareness - learning - tools

da David C manca 1 anno



Reflecting on experiences within a diverse dance department, individuals have gained profound insights into communal learning, emphasizing the necessity for minorities to exhibit resilience in inclusive spaces.



Q4. What is a concrete memory from your time with the DD department that you take with you into your future practice?

Communal learning
"To be more aware of my actions and have a much better communication with others."
"The fact that even in a space meant for “everyone” as minority you still have to be stronger then the Majority thats just how life is “now”. Also that its possible to make that space you want because i see other people do it too"
"Gesprek met Patrick over cultural approriation. Het heeft me een bewustwording geven over hoe tradities worden overgedragen in dans en kunst in het algemeen en welke verantwoordelijkheid ik daarin draag als dansdocent."
"One of the thousand memories will be the first time I realized that I'm able to move like I want to move. Improvisation has become one of the loves of my life."
"Improvisation tools. The fact that you should always approach your dancers openly and softly and with care"
"Verbreding van mijn kijk op dans door Senegal ervaring"
"Sabar classes"
"Senegal, learning from my classmates, and being open to people that are not necessarily in the same bubble as you (could be anything, nationality, age, abelism), developing my own voice and vision"

Q3. 3. What were your views on social justice in the arts before the Inclusive Pathway Training (IPT) and how is it now ?

No show
"Ik heb de IPT niet gevolgd dus ik kan hier niks over zeggen"
"Niet veel verschil, ik hielt mij er al heel veel mee bezig."
"Its about the same because i am a person that thinks allot about safe a fair for everyone and what that means not on paper but in the real word."
"I dont think the training really added any knowledge about social justice in the arts for me"
"Geen grote verandering nog steeds belangrijk, wel wat nieuwe informatie geleerd"
"I have a hard time answering this question, i dont know (yet)"
"I knew it was there. I knew how to see it. But know I now better how to deal with it in the situation and within myself."
"Quite similar, however now I can use the tools for myself as well instead of only focusing outward"

Q2. In what ways did the Inclusive Pathway Training (IPT) with Aminata Cairo contribute to your vision?

"Honestly wouldn’t know most of them make me think of thing i personally already think about witha different eye."
"Say “that’s interesting” and just leave it at that"
No show
"Ik heb de IPT niet gevolgd dus ik kan hier niks over zeggen
"I wasn’t there"
"To be present, to be aware and be more open to others."
"Feel comfortable in the uncomfortable"
"It’s okay to set your boundary and pass"
"More insight and understanding in social constructs but also in being more understanding to other people. Although i thought i already had it. The trick is to not to think you already know, but to keep asking and not make assumptions"
"Diving in your own story. Listening to other stories. Guiding others through their stories."
"Time to research, self reflection tools, gaining more sense of community"
"I gained more knowledge, more understanding and guidance"

Q1. 1. What is the impact of social justice issues on your student experience ?

No impact

"From own experience I don’t think so, not that i’m aware of."

"I am a very privileged student, living in times where being brown might be an advantage within the student experience. I think there should be more financial support to students less privileged."
"Uncomfortable and confrontational but needed because it should be that way because there issues that need to be addressed."
"We hebben veel temaken gehad met social justice issues. Ik merk dat er binnen de school steeds meer ruimte is voor gesprekken erover maar er moeten nog wel stappen gemaakt worden. Communicatie hierover gaat heel traag en gesprekken vinden vaak pas na weken plaats."
Teacher-student relation
"Having the feeling that i as a student (with some teachers/choreographers) dont have a say. While DD educates me to have my own vision/voice. I have felt a clash/friction between having to develop my own voice, and then listen to someone else who has a different one and is not open to listen to mine. In the third year i feel like i am a collega from my teachers. Because that’s how i would handle my power as a teacher personally."
Work related worries
"Getting paid very little as a dancer"
"Hard to find work in the dance sector"
"Het bepaald door je rechtvaardig behandeld wordt of niet en hoe je een ander ook zo kan behandelen"
"Het is belangrijk voor mij dat hier rekening mee gehouden word. Zodat ik mij veilig blijf voelen op school"