da Alfie Yang mancano 13 anni
Più simili a questo
da Dhruv Dhanda - Aylesbury PS (1425)
da Kumar Bonita
da Sabeh Ayoun Abdul Rahman
da Ikram Zaina
Excessive use of water
Air and Nutrients affected
Wash excess salt
Over Irrigate
When? Where? How?
Arid Regions
Libya and India
Saltwater from Sea
Coastal Area
Syria and Kuwait
Groundwater pumped
Salinity Increases
Construction of Dams
Aswan High Dam in Egypt (River Nile)
Sediments and Minerals Trapped
Irrigate fields
Flood Irrigation
Continous Cycle
Salts are left behind
Accumulation of Salt lowers the quality of soil
Salinisation of soil is the building up of salts within the soil.