Categorie: Tutti - symptoms - appearance - genes - diagnosis

da aileen Galindo mancano 13 anni



This genetic condition is characterized by a range of symptoms and physical traits that can vary in severity among individuals. Children with this condition typically have a distinctive appearance, including a smaller and abnormally shaped head, rounded inner corners of the eyes, a flattened nose, small ears, and a small mouth.


Some facts are in there charcteristics and features. they are 100% mental retardation, 100% stunt growth, 60% small teeth, 60% flattened nose, & 50% short neck.

My personopinion is I think the children with Down syndrome are very adorable. They also seem pretty normal to me. I mean every is different in their own way. Nobody is perfect in this world. Well, these children all look very familiar. The all have the same genes and traits because it has to be inherrited from your mother I beleive.

The symptons vary from person to person & can range from mild to severe. However, children who have this disorder have a widely reconized appearance. For example, the head may be smaller than normal & abnormally shaped. The inner corner of the eyes are rounded instead of being pointed. They also have a flattened nose, small ears, & asmall mouth. These are the characterics of this disorder.

This genetic disorder is caused by the presence of all or part of an extra 21st chromosome

At birth a doctor can often make an initial diagnosis of down syndrome based on howthe baby looks. Also, a blood test can be done to check for the extra chromosome and confirm the diagnosed. People with Down syndrome need to be closely screened foe certained medical conditions. They must take a variaty of tests in order for a doctor to know if they are okay or if they have another condition.

In syndrome there isn't any specific disorder that all the people with Down syndrome have to take. Only some people will have to have different treatments because they are different. They have tobe well tooken care of.

This disorder may cause you to think these people are weird because of their disorder, but they are people just like we all are. Just because they look and think in a different way doesnt mean they are different then us.


How is the genetic disorder diagnosed and treated?

What are the symptons?

What is the cause?

Are their any treatments?

Other intresting facts?

personal opinion?
