Categorie: Tutti - society - education - government - culture

da El Clarke mancano 6 anni



U.S. public schools serve multiple foundational purposes, including acting as a form of childcare that enables parents to work while offering children the opportunity to develop independently.


The Seven Essential Questions about Education

Upon what foundation are U.S. public schools built?

To protect immigrant children's right to education and work, the government protects children with DACA so they can finish school.
Every student has a right to graduate high school. America has therefore put laws in place so that more minorities can graduate.
U.S. public schools are directly connected to the United States government and therefore school rules are directed by the government.
Society should financially support schools. An idea would be for students and teachers to live onsite and have free rent and food.
School isnt just about history and facts. It's about passing on culture, legacy, and hope.
We believe in freedom of speech. Allow children to SPEAK.
Education in America is RIGHT of all people who live here. Immigrant, citizen, and illegal alien alike.
The role of schools ought to about better the lives of students, not just pushing kids through in the name of equal opportunity. If we just talk and don't teach there is no opportunity.
In America, school is more than just learning. It has become a culture of day care and pushes kids through the system.
School equalizes the gap between rich and poor, black and white, immigrant and citizen.
It's a chance to improve our own knowledge and culture as a society.
A built in child watch for parents that need to work. Allowing parents to provide for theirs while giving a kids a chance to be their own person.

What is the role of school in society?

Since school is for everybody, then every DREAMer should get to go. If every DREAMer can become educated, they should be able to move forward here too.
Schools are the gateway for change. If a law can start in school in can happen anywhere and spread to be normal everywhere.
School in society is to teach knowledge. Children should be allowed to progress their school as they are ready and not forced to progress by years. However, schools are not only responsible for intellectual knowledge, but they are also responsible to teaching life and social skills.
If school is the means whereby we teach the future, then school is the place where society finds its opinions. If we want our children to be active and involved we must teach them in their youth. If we want children to respect other children who look and act different then we must do so in school.
School is more than daycare, it is a child's preparation for college and future job. It is so the child has their best chance.
The right to learn. Every child should have a chance to learn, not just be put to work. Let young ones experiment, learn, and grow.
Projects teach kids practical skills
Knowledge is power.
Knowledge is the important thing. School benefits us now and puts society on an upward smile to a better life.
Justice is the interest of the stronger. The US wants those who have little able to be strong.
It is a part of being a just country to share knowledge with all
The just teacher never responds or acts uncivil, even to the difficult students.
School ought to teach children how to become, not simply what to know

How do I learn?

I learn when I feel valued and respected.
I learn by following the natural process of nature. For example, it is a natural law for small things to become big. Therefore, if i learn something new everyday I will eventually become intelligent and capable of higher education.
I learn when I am in a clean environment
By learning and using trial and error on my own. NOT through rote examples. Allow me to be creative
Expierence and hands on activities.
By feeling the Holy Spirit

What is worth teaching?

The most modern, up to date, and current curriculm on every subject should be taught. We should teach to the best of our ability, all we know.
Wisdom doesn't always mean truth.
Knowledge doesn't have to be doctrine. Sometimes you just have to go with what you know.
Freedom in America means free opportunity.
Teach children justice and be just. Honesty is the best policy
Each art, subject, and bit of truth has its own beneficial results.
Honesty, respect, and kindness
It is worth teaching reading, writing, proper speech. If we can communicate well, we can grow more effectively.
Allow them to have their own reality, mindset, and thoughts. Guide them through new information to enhance their state of reality.
Its worth teaching skills that deepen the individual
The issue with public education is less of a question of what is worth teaching and more of an issue of HOW we teach what is worth KNOWING.
Justice is worth doing something about. If you see something out of line with common moral beliefs than you must take the lead in making a change. If you want things to change you must become the change.
Correct principles

What is my work as a learner and a teacher?

Students are responsible to to fight for their education and equality.
I am responsible for keeping a code of conduct and ethics.
I am responsible to report misconduct of any kind, even to report abuse if necessary.
Obey the orders of the School District. We work as a whole.
I stand for equity, honesty, citizenship, health, and ethical character.
My role is to lead the student to knowledge. I can do all I can to intrigue interest, but ultimately they must choose to learn.
We must erase this divide between races. We are one people under God. My role is to help my students treat each other equally, particularly in kindness and respect.
You don't make anybody more by making them less
It's more than just reaching out, its about having hands that heal, strengthen, and lift.
Those who despise initiate hate, not the despised.
The oppressor begins violence, not the oppressed. Don't oppress. The oppressed must free themselves before they can free the oppressor.
GUIDE. I don't really 'teach,' I guide. (Only the Holy Spirit of God can truly do that)
Get to work and get out of my comfort zone
Treat all students with kindness and respect regardless of background. Reach out to each child in love and righteousness
Make the classroom a place of equality. The class room should be a safe place where we talk about one another and our cultures kindly.
School is NOT an equalizer. School is opportunity. Let Children be who they really want to be. Make school an opportunity.
Sky is the beginning, lift off, not the limit. Children go to school to be given hope.
It is not my role as a teacher to replace the role parent or guardian.
Its not the role of the teacher to be a dictator, its their role to be a mediator.
It is the role of the students to participate
"It's my role to teach correct principles and let people govern themselves." -Joseph Smith. Same principle as a teacher.
Allow them to guide the learning experience. What are their questions? What are they yearning to know? Let them give the classroom creativity, energy, and life while you give guidance.
As a teacher, it is not my job to rule with an iron fist and force my creative ideas. Its about the students being involved and being creative.
Create an experience. Don't let them mindlessly fill out a worksheet, give them something to THINK about
Be rooted in true doctrine while teaching the children principles and how to use proper tools.

How do I view and magnify those I teach?

I magnify men and woman equally. I help disabeled students become all they need to be
Every child, black and white, has a right to education.
School is more than just getting by. If school is going to be enriching, I must magnify those I teach by enriching the material with life and meaning
Look at things at apparent value and practically evaluate.
We don't always see that we offend people. There are an infinte number of ways to offend people and my lifestyles blocks me from seeing other people's life styles. Be more than just kind or passively try to be sensitive. Be active in their lives so you can see more than you did before.
Allow children to gain and have their own experiences.
Treat the class and their parents with the utmost respect.
My students are children of God and ought to be treated as such.

Who am I and what motivates me?

Learning more about how God designed this world motivates me to learn.
I am motivated by the desire to empower, uplift, and strengthen with knowldege
I practically plan lessons
Education is empowerment to change. Let all be empowered.
It is just and fair to be consistent in teach and all I can.
Better myself, my children, and future generations
Desire to gain knowledge
I am motivated and excited when my students are excited
I am a daughter of God