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growth mindsetters love the challenge and obstacles in the way and use it as fuel and a learning curb in the proces to imrprove
"High level of interest even when they found the work challenging" (23)
this is a great mindset to have compared to fixed mind setter who are scared of challenge due to the fact of a possible failure and it not being easy. Growth mind setter love the fact of a challenge because its a way to display their abilities right now they can develop them in the future.
“When they tell me I cant it really gets me going”(23)
this is a great quality growth mind setter have they use the critics as motivation to prove them wrong and prove themselves right about themselves
fixed mindsetted people have a fear of making them selves look bad its hard for them to get motivated
“Effort can reduce you” (42) fixed mind setters think this way about effort due to the thought that if you put effort you must be stupid. This tends to lead them to having no motivation because they feel as if their stuck at this level forever
this limits people of what they could be if they actually put effort.
fixed mindsetted people must succeed immediately or else they will lose motivation and give up.
“That's why they must succeed perfectly and immediately” (29)
for example a fixed mind setted person will take a benchmark and fail. This failure would crash the fixed mindsetters self esteem leading to them just giving up and not wanting to learn because they would feel as if they cannot learn the material cause they just don't have it.
People with a growth mindset do fail but they don't let their failure affect their self esteem because it doesn't define who they are.
a real life example is Jim Marshal when he ran the wrong way on national tv and embraced himself and realized he has 2 choice he either gets it define or does something about it.
growth mindset is a mindset were it doesn't matter where you start you can always cultivate yourself into whatever you want through effort, intentional effort, trial and error and many other things.
growth mind setters tend to battle adversity better than fixed mind setter due to the fact they won't crumble under pressure and difficulties
“Growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts, your strategies, and help from others.” (7)
fixed mindset The fixed mindset is a stuck mindset where you believe no matter how hard you work you won't get better and you can't cultivate your skills.
“Believing that you qualities are carved in stone” (6)
for example I struggle with a fixed mindset in school work due to the fact that you actually have to put in effort I thing like studying and you can't just show up on the day of the exam and ace it