ETL utilizando SqlServer y Postgress con una herramienta de negocios
In this context, ETL processes using SQLServer and Postgres databases are discussed with a business intelligence tool. The SQLServer database named Northwind is utilized to select specific data from tables such as Customers, Employees, Orders, and Products based on certain country criteria.
ETL utilizando SqlServer y Postgress con una herramienta de negocios
Instalar psqlodbc_x64
select EmployeeID, LastName+' '+ FirstName as EmployeeName, BirthDate, City, Country from Employees
select ProductID, ProductName, Discontinued from Products
select O.OrderID, O.CustomerID, EmployeeID, OrderDate, ProductID, UnitPrice, Quantity, Discount
from Orders as O inner join [Order Details] OD on O.OrderID = OD.OrderID
inner join Customers as C on O.CustomerID = C.CustomerID
where Country in ('Germany', 'Mexico', 'UK', 'Spain', 'France', 'Brazil', 'Venezuela', 'USA')
select CustomerID,ContactName, ContactTitle, Address, City, Country
from Customers where Country in ('Germany', 'Mexico', 'UK', 'Spain', 'France', 'Brazil', 'Venezuela', 'USA')