da madison rogers mancano 9 anni
Più simili a questo
1. About 300 million years ago, the supercontinent called Pangea existed and it began to break apart about 175 million years ago. (I don't believe that the earth existed that long.) 2. The concept was first proposed by Alfred Wegener. 3. Pangea is Greek for Earth.
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1. Geographic distribution of animals. 2. Philip Sclater is regarded as the father of zoogeography. 3. Palearctic and Oriental
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1. Little net evolutionary change for most of a fossil's geological history. 2. Scientists just call it stasis because it's a lack of change. 3. A thornback ray fossil and oyster fossils.
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1. The fossil record does not show gradual change; it shows sudden appearances followed by stasis. 2. They often represent lengthy periods of time. It actually supports the creation model. 3. The Cambrian Explosion and the fish-amphibian transition.
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VISUAL http://faculty.ycp.edu/~kkleiner/EvolBio/EvolBioImages/EvidenceforEvol/Developmentalhomologies.jpg
Vestigial Structures
1. Similarities in cells at the molecular level indicate that living species evolved from a common ancestor. 2. The structure and function of all living organisms depends on biologic molecules called protein. 3. All living species use DNA to store information. Certain biochemical pathways are found in all species.
VISUAL http://bio1903.nicerweb.com/Locked/media/ch22/22_16HemoglobinHomology.jpg
1. Similarity between characteristics in different species of organisms. 2. Biological structures are similar because they conform more or less to pre-existing patterns. 3. Bats and butterflies (wings). Bats and whales (bones in wings and flippers).
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Sudden Appearance